^Another stupid fucking post from an illiterate cocksucker.

Find any post of mine where I say I hate anything or anyone.

LOL You hare everyone who isn't a flaming liberal, like you. Don't tell me that you're such a pussy that you can't even admit that?
One black man can bring america to hysterics, exceptional society and all, by simpy calling out the power of the fweedumb loving state to murder unarmed citizens in the streets.

Some folk got a weird concept of limited govt.
The only one that's mentioned this movie, in this thread; so it looks like I hit a nerve and you're just having another meltdown, Buckly. :D

The only one that's mentioned this movie, in this thread; so it looks like I hit a nerve and you're just having another meltdown, Buckly.

Wanna make a sentence outta this or are you mimicking Don's command of language?
You reap what you sow, ignorant cunt. You point out my typos, yet you are exempt?

Now, let’s let you find a single post of mine where I hate anything.

I’ll wait, bitch

Unlike you, I accept my occasional errors as to what they are. I do not blame a device, like you do, hater.