Just got me the Android...

something about having music on my phone never sit well with me. Even in planning for an iphone I always planned on keeping my shit on my ipod. I don't like my music worlds and phone worlds colliding or something.. I don't know O_O
lol.... the rest of the phone market are JUST NOW catching up to the iphone after 2.5 years
It's been surpassed. If iPhone thinks it can continue to sit back and reap reward they'll be terribly mistaken. I may have to sell my Apple stock if they are that stupid.
It's been surpassed. If iPhone thinks it can continue to sit back and reap reward they'll be terribly mistaken. I may have to sell my Apple stock if they are that stupid.

I don't know if you are joking or not.. look the droid is a very intriguing phone but iphone is still going ridic strong and the 3G has gotten rave reviews.
1. Why does anyone want a phone that does all that shit? Don't you have a fucking life?
2. Wait until you hit 40 and your eyes can't see the fucking screen.
3. Why would you put all your shit including personal info and financial on such a small, easy to steal package?
i know our fancy schmancy computer doowicky's may seem complicated for a southerner like yourself, but we've moved past smoke signals
Storm sucks.

No it doesn't and I doubt you have any first-hand experience about how it compares to the other leading smartphones.

I have a Storm and I would say that it is just barely below Iphone overall. The only area that Iphone is better is the availability of third-party apps.

And Grind it was out in Nov of 2008, just a year behind Iphone.
I use the browser frequently

My wife favorite new question, google that on your iphone while were watching a game.
No it doesn't and I doubt you have any first-hand experience about how it compares to the other leading smartphones.

I have a Storm and I would say that it is just barely below Iphone overall. The only area that Iphone is better is the availability of third-party apps.

And Grind it was out in Nov of 2008, just a year behind Iphone.

Yes and the Android is god. I'm getting the unbiased opinion of and Android and Storm user on their respective phones.
Yes and the Android is god. I'm getting the unbiased opinion of and Android and Storm user on their respective phones.
Totally unbiased. I actually wanted the iPhone, but it wasn't available, but then when I saw what this can do... Well, the iPhone dropped to the level of unimportant to me.

I connect the phone directly with my iTunes, load the songs on easily and quickly, moved pictures over, apps are being created daily... I am extremely happy, well, as happy as you can be with a phone.
how many of you smart phone users get the data plan? Do you think its worth it to pay 30 bucks a month extra (for iphone at least) for internet access or is wifi good enough in most scenarios?

I dont' think I could see myself shelling out 30 bones for a dataplan when mostly I'm at home, added to the fact that when I'm out there are usually enough wifi hotspots available
Not only that but it is also connected to Verizon's network which is shite tons more reliable and available in shite tons more areas.
Not only that but it is also connected to Verizon's network which is shite tons more reliable and available in shite tons more areas.
Without a doubt, and when you live rurally you need reliable service. AT&T Wireless' coverage in our area is spurious at best and there is no 3G, it's why it wasn't an option for me to get when the iPhone came out.