Just got to college



Now I have fast internet!

OK, some of you have internet this fast, but this is literally 20x faster than my old internet, and fucking consistent. Unfortunately, no torrenting until I can figure out how to hide my activity.
i thought you were already in college...

and if could do a post screen like that, i would have.....shit...only 15 today....i had 22 the other day

you win
Content producers nailed colleges hard because of all the piracy that went on and now pretty much all universities kick anyone off who's caught doing it. I'm not sure if they have an one strike or a three strikes policy here, any way the penalties are pretty harsh and they definitely track it.
Junior year of college we had MyTunes Redux. It was fucking awesome. By late senior year, everyone's music on the network was all over a year old, because the iTunes upgrades had all blocked out Redux. :)
Content producers nailed colleges hard because of all the piracy that went on and now pretty much all universities kick anyone off who's caught doing it. I'm not sure if they have an one strike or a three strikes policy here, any way the penalties are pretty harsh and they definitely track it.

ah...back in 2000 when i graduated, they were just starting to deal with colleges....

i remember coming back from a year over seas, outer island, no electricity or running water (95/96) and the internet had changed, the first thing i looked up....the weed and it was glorious :cof1:
Content producers nailed colleges hard because of all the piracy that went on and now pretty much all universities kick anyone off who's caught doing it. I'm not sure if they have an one strike or a three strikes policy here, any way the penalties are pretty harsh and they definitely track it.
NC university system has a zero tolerance rule. My son will be using "sneaker net" to trade MP files.
MSU has a two strike policy, the first time it's detected you get a prompt, and the second time you can only get back online by being approved by the dean of something or another.
no...do you approve of your son using this so callled "sneaker" tech....
"Sneaker net" refers to exchange of data by copying files onto a disk, thumb drive or some other medium, putting on your sneakers and physically carrying it to your buddy. All the university is concerned with is transfer of files over their network.