Just got to college

Content producers nailed colleges hard because of all the piracy that went on and now pretty much all universities kick anyone off who's caught doing it. I'm not sure if they have an one strike or a three strikes policy here, any way the penalties are pretty harsh and they definitely track it.
Just tether your computer to your phone when you want to torrent. Then, once you have it set up, use a proxy from there.
Junior year of college we had MyTunes Redux. It was fucking awesome. By late senior year, everyone's music on the network was all over a year old, because the iTunes upgrades had all blocked out Redux. :)
Ya'll are making my feel ancient. My freshman year in college they were still programing using punch cards and I remember the excitement when the department got a 300 baud modem.
Just tether your computer to your phone when you want to torrent. Then, once you have it set up, use a proxy from there.

Yeah, I can tether my phone, but it's a lot slower and inconsistent. Also, I could accidentally have my torrent program up when I'm attached to the network, which would be a disaster. Right now I'm trying to figure out how well rapidshare search will work as a replacement, if it doesn't I'm going to either subscribe to a newsgroup or some kind of torrent VPN.
HAHAHAHAHA I trick you!!!! :cool: