JUST IN: President Trump has SUSPENDED the security clearance of the law firm Perkins Coie, who helped invent the Russia hoax

LOL......Its almost like you guys have been ASLEEP for the last 11 years. History shows that for every attack the left has made against MAGA we and POTUS TRUMP have actually grown STRONGER and increased our numbers at EVERY turn. Don't you know that? The info is there and readily available. With every indictment he became even MORE popular because the average every day citizen had a pair of eyes and a brain and could clearly see what was going on. I mean,....its a FACT. Yet you guys STILL resort to the same playbook because its the only one you have over and over and over again. :laugh: LW people could literally fill every message board on Earth with nothing but TRUMP HATE and it would not increase your base by a single vote,....in fact it would shrink it. This is what history and the facts SHOW. You would only be seen as dinosaurs that are negative and anti American that are only interested in warping the truth to preserve power. As a Right winger it is my sincere hope that the left continues doing exactly as they are doing because ALL EVIDENCE available says that you are only killing yourselves FOR US and decreasing your own numbers. So yeah,...by all means,....please do continue on.
Attacks against Hitler and his supporters made them stronger.

The MAGA movement won't last long. What would they do after Trump dies?
Alinsky only left you guys one play book before he became hell bound maggot food. There was a time and a place for it,....now its ancient history. Hey,....there was also a time when Vince Lombardi's offense was the toast of the town in the days where all you have to do is score 17 points a game to win . You know what scoring 17 points a game gets you now? A royal ass kicking because your opponents are scoring double that! In the low information days where media could twist and shape things any way they wanted to with zero regard for the truth the sack of Shit Alinsky's rules for radicals had great effect,.....today? Not so much..;):) In the end the guy was nothing more than a lazy BUM who found a way to live off of OTHER peoples money. Those days are now OVER, and THAT is an absolute FACT.
Attacks against Hitler and his supporters made them stronger.

The MAGA movement won't last long. What would they do after Trump dies?

What did the left do after that bum Alinsky died? Did they just throw his tactics aside the minute the piece of shit was shoveled over? :rolleyes:
Does ANYONE in here like spending their free time hanging out with people that are 100% NEGATIVE all the time? Anyone? Anyone at all? I rest my case. To the LW ers in here............yeah,...good luck with that. :rolleyes:
Does ANYONE in here like spending their free time hanging out with people that are 100% NEGATIVE all the time? Anyone? Anyone at all? I rest my case. To the LW ers in here............yeah,...good luck with that. :rolleyes:
You spend your time being negative about the non MAGA and hating on them. And using the silly gif over and over again.
Alinsky only left you guys one play book before he became hell bound maggot food. There was a time and a place for it,....now its ancient history. Hey,....there was also a time when Vince Lombardi's offense was the toast of the town in the days where all you have to do is score 17 points a game to win . You know what scoring 17 points a game gets you now? A royal ass kicking because your opponents are scoring double that! In the low information days where media could twist and shape things any way they wanted to with zero regard for the truth the sack of Shit Alinsky's rules for radicals had great effect,.....today? Not so much..;):) In the end the guy was nothing more than a lazy BUM who found a way to live off of OTHER peoples money. Those days are now OVER, and THAT is an absolute FACT.
Indeed…great post.
I mean........DUH. Its human nature. Positive attracts,....negative repels. But go right ahead........I do so much LOVE seeing the left die by its own hand. All we ever had to do was simply wind the left up like a childs toy and let them go. Now we get to sit back and watch them spin out of control losing momentum as each second passes until they finally fall dead on the table. Awesome...........simply awesome......;)
I mean........DUH. It’s human nature. Positive attracts,....negative repels. But go right ahead........I do so much LOVE seeing the left die by its own hand. All we ever had to do was simply wind the left up like a childs toy and let them go. Now we get to sit back and watch them spin put of control losing momentum as each second passes until they finally fall dead on the table. Awesome...........simply awesome......

In the vernacular, hoisted on their own petard.
The far left loons own violence in America.

They are throwing Molotov Cocktails at Tesla dealerships and making death threats to Musk.

They are rioting on college campuses in support of Hamas.