Just like Airline Pilots donow for 911, allow TEACHERS to CARRY GUNS if they want to.

Why can't teachers carry concealed weapons if they want to, that would at least give them a fighting chance. After 911, Airline pilots have that option of packing heat. If we give up our guns, then only the bad guys, like gang members, will have guns. You dumb sheet Lib Demos need to mind your own businesses, when it comes to our guns. We will let you know about how to handle the gun violence, so keep your ridiculous Leftist opinions to yourselves. The reason that Gabby Gifford and others got shot is because all her constituents at her Rally where anti-gun zealots, if she would have had normal AZ people there, someone would have taken that Stoner creep out with their CCW's, which means shoot the MFer, pardon' my French.

yep, as i thought you're full of shit and lies as usual. here is the OP, it never mentions they should be provided arms.

Why can't teachers carry concealed weapons if they want to, that would at least give them a fighting chance. After 911, Airline pilots have that option of packing heat. If we give up our guns, then only the bad guys, like gang members, will have guns. You dumb sheet Lib Demos need to mind your own businesses, when it comes to our guns. We will let you know about how to handle the gun violence, so keep your ridiculous Leftist opinions to yourselves. The reason that Gabby Gifford and others got shot is because all her constituents at her Rally where anti-gun zealots, if she would have had normal AZ people there, someone would have taken that Stoner creep out with their CCW's, which means shoot the MFer, pardon' my French.

nope...nothing about providing and the OP title explicitly says "ALLOW"

why do you feel the need to lie in order to make a point?

as to your link....how does ONE PERSON equal "republicans"? and i don't believe you about ann coulter, you've lied to me too many times.
cite where someone said they want the government to provide arms to teachers.

i can't find it. me thinks you're making shit up again.
The Teachers would pay for their own weapons and training if they wanted them just as Airline Pilots do. If it was not for the Liberals, there never would have been a 911. I have a lot of Cop Friends, some even retired and many years ago, the Cops could declare their Off Duty guns to the Pilot and board planes, that is until the Liberals came along and ruiined everything. If this had been the good old days, instead of 911, the odds are that someone on each of those 911 planes would have had a gun aboard, be it SS, FBI, School Police, Starte Police, Game Warden, etc, on vacation, or whatever.
When things like this happen, we all immediately react emotionally, that is human nature. What we all need to do, is step back and take a deep breath, hug our kids a little tighter, pray for the victims of this tragedy, and refrain from commenting about banning guns or arming teachers. Now is not the time for that. More guns or fewer guns would not eliminate the possibility of tragedy or the acts of insane people, no matter how much we may think that to be the case. Any measure you put in place, whether it's metal detectors, banning guns, arming teachers, or whatever... is not going to stop a deranged person from doing harm they are intent on doing. That is just a sad fact of life we have to accept.

I don't know what change has come over you dixie but I heartily approve, you make more and more sense each post.

Though I do disagree that we have to accept it, we must remain shocked and pained by each loss otherwise we make this sort of tragedy acceptable and it is not, in any way.
I don't know what change has come over you dixie but I heartily approve, you make more and more sense each post.

Though I do disagree that we have to accept it, we must remain shocked and pained by each loss otherwise we make this sort of tragedy acceptable and it is not, in any way.

No change, I have always been the way I am. Here, I very often assume the role of "devil's advocate" to do battle in the arena of debate with others. I believe I posted a similar response on the Giffords tragedy as well, we always have a tendency to jump the gun and have knee-jerk emotive reactions to things like this, and that's normal. It's best to refrain from such responses and keep our heads, let's mourn the loss of life, pray for the victims, be thankful for the safety of our own children and family members, and move forward.

We have no choice but to accept it. Nothing we could have done, or can do, will ever prevent the possibility of such tragedies. We can do things to help deter this sort of thing, and I believe we will. But now is not the time to start implementing emotive ideas and taking reactionary measures. It's especially not the time to be fighting back and forth about gun control and gun rights, little children are dead. Let us grieve and mourn the loss now, and we can address this issue at a later date. This is a time for unity and reverence.
The Teachers would pay for their own weapons and training if they wanted them just as Airline Pilots do. If it was not for the Liberals, there never would have been a 911. I have a lot of Cop Friends, some even retired and many years ago, the Cops could declare their Off Duty guns to the Pilot and board planes, that is until the Liberals came along and ruiined everything. If this had been the good old days, instead of 911, the odds are that someone on each of those 911 planes would have had a gun aboard, be it SS, FBI, School Police, Starte Police, Game Warden, etc, on vacation, or whatever.

But who's going to but the school supplies the teachers have to buy now?
Of course they do. In 2000, there were 6.6 MILLION teachers in America. Now add in all the school staff, etc.

Who's going to pay for all these guns? Where are they going to be kept? Hell, the cheapass republicans won't even let us build new schools for the children, and now they want to buy guns for them?


Shut up. Go scalp someone. Fuckin redskinned Injun!

Maybe they should arm the children as well, you can't be too careful!!

Treat killing like a disease to slash shootings
19:00 01 July 2009 by Andy Coghlan

Shootings and killings in deprived areas of Chicago and Baltimore have plummeted by between 41 and 73 per cent thanks to a programme that treats violence as if it is an infectious disease.

Pioneers of the programme, called CeaseFire, say it relies on simultaneously changing attitudes and behaviour and will work anywhere.

The key is to change social norms so that violence is seen as "uncool" both by potential perpetrators and their communities, instead of being the automatic way to settle a dispute.

Kellermann's published studies on gun ownership

Kellermann states that as an emergency room doctor, he noted that the number of gunowners injured by their own gun or that of a family member seemed to greatly outnumber the number of intruders shot by the gun of a homeowner, and therefore he determined to study whether or not this was in fact true.

[edit] 1986

In his first publication on the subject, in 1986, Kellermann studied all gunshot related deaths in Seattle over six years, and found that
54% of firearm-related deaths occurred in the home where the gun was kept
70.5% of these (firearm-related deaths in the home where the gun was kept) involved handguns
0.5% of these (firearm-related deaths in the home where the gun was kept) involved an intruder shot while attempting entry
1.8% of these (firearm-related deaths in the home where the gun was kept) were judged by police as self-defense
there were 1.3 times as many accidental firearm-related deaths in the home where the gun was kept as self-protection shootings
there were 4.6 times as many criminal firearm-related homicides in the home where the gun was kept as self-protection shootings
there were 37 times as many suicides in the home where the gun was kept as self-protection shootings.

He concluded that "the advisability of keeping firearms in the home for protection must be questioned".
Why do people even want to carry guns?

Why are they so scared?

it is fear that runs some peoples minds.

when you live in fear you attract exactly that which you fear.

Fear makes you weak.
Mythbusters did something about that subject, in most cases a bullet through the fuselage would do little damage. It certainly wouldn't cause catastrophic depressurisation.
No but if a teachers gun discharged into the classroom full of kids? It could blood depressurize a child.

Mythbusters? Yep the scientific leaders of the Republican party.
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When has the US government oppressed you, conservatives?

And if they did, do you seriously think your popgun collections would make any difference?
yep, as i thought you're full of shit and lies as usual. here is the OP, it never mentions they should be provided arms.

nope...nothing about providing and the OP title explicitly says "ALLOW"

why do you feel the need to lie in order to make a point?

as to your link....how does ONE PERSON equal "republicans"? and i don't believe you about ann coulter, you've lied to me too many times.

The Teachers would pay for their own weapons and training if they wanted them just as Airline Pilots do. If it was not for the Liberals, there never would have been a 911. I have a lot of Cop Friends, some even retired and many years ago, the Cops could declare their Off Duty guns to the Pilot and board planes, that is until the Liberals came along and ruiined everything. If this had been the good old days, instead of 911, the odds are that someone on each of those 911 planes would have had a gun aboard, be it SS, FBI, School Police, Starte Police, Game Warden, etc, on vacation, or whatever.

that explains why howey never gave a cite.

he knew he lied about what you said. thanks for clearing that up.