APP - Just make them legal



No problem from me. Collect taxes and enforce all the laws legal business has to follow and I have no problem with hard working people immigrating. But as it is now, they undermine the economy by driving labor rates down and they shortchange the gov out of tax revenue that they end up taking from those businesses that are legal.

So, make illegals legal, but enforce the damn laws

No problem from me. Collect taxes and enforce all the laws legal business has to follow and I have no problem with hard working people immigrating. But as it is now, they undermine the economy by driving labor rates down and they shortchange the gov out of tax revenue that they end up taking from those businesses that are legal.

So, make illegals legal, but enforce the damn laws

Many if not most illegals pay taxes. They give false ID numbers so they cant get the refund, so they end up paying even more than they are required in taxes.
Many if not most illegals pay taxes. They give false ID numbers so they cant get the refund, so they end up paying even more than they are required in taxes.

You got a source?
I'll agree that a small percentage use stolen SS ids, but the vast majority work under the table and pay no tax.

It's common sense that the majority do not pay income tax.
You got a source?
I'll agree that a small percentage use stolen SS ids, but the vast majority work under the table and pay no tax.

It's common sense that the majority do not pay income tax.

My only source is the employers I have spoken to, and the illegals my childrens nanny knows. Not many people are going to admit to it, and thus there would be no record.

The fact is that most do pay taxes because employers do not want to go to jail, they can pretend they did not know the SSN or IDN was fake, but if they do not collect the number, and the taxes, they can go to jail.

No problem from me. Collect taxes and enforce all the laws legal business has to follow and I have no problem with hard working people immigrating. But as it is now, they undermine the economy by driving labor rates down and they shortchange the gov out of tax revenue that they end up taking from those businesses that are legal.

So, make illegals legal, but enforce the damn laws
Borders are important. The language and culture are who we are. Therefore we need control over immigration.

That being said I'd be more than happy to accept as many hard working immigrants as the roads can carry. My only stipulation is that they are in a state of probation for the first five years. If they commit a crime they are out. If they don't learn English and American History to the high school level they are out. If they don't have a job and can prove increasing income and responsibility over the probation period then they are out. If they can't get letters of recommendation by three natural born citizens from three different ethnicities other than their own who have known them for at least one year prior to the end of the probation period then they are out.
I believe that an expanded immigration system would be good for the US....
Creating a trackable work visa system would eliminate the bulk of illegal traffic crossing the borders and permit better control of illegal drug trafficing....
Employers should be able to hire people from other countries to work in the US, but should be required to provide full time employment, to pay a higher minimum wage and provide health insurance so immigrants would not be a drain on either the welfare system or health system....
Employers should also pay a surcharge to cover the cost of monitoring the visa system, something like $1 per hour for every hour worked by an immigrant employee.....

No problem from me. Collect taxes and enforce all the laws legal business has to follow and I have no problem with hard working people immigrating. But as it is now, they undermine the economy by driving labor rates down and they shortchange the gov out of tax revenue that they end up taking from those businesses that are legal.

So, make illegals legal, but enforce the damn laws

wrong. The glut of workers keeps wages low. Even if they were legal it would still drive wages down, just due to labor market forces.

The war on the middle class must end.
wrong. The glut of workers keeps wages low. Even if they were legal it would still drive wages down, just due to labor market forces.

The war on the middle class must end.
When wages are low products and services cost less and there is more competition- everyone wins. Have faith in capitalism my young friend.
Borders are important. The language and culture are who we are. Therefore we need control over immigration.

That being said I'd be more than happy to accept as many hard working immigrants as the roads can carry. My only stipulation is that they are in a state of probation for the first five years. If they commit a crime they are out. If they don't learn English and American History to the high school level they are out. If they don't have a job and can prove increasing income and responsibility over the probation period then they are out. If they can't get letters of recommendation by three natural born citizens from three different ethnicities other than their own who have known them for at least one year prior to the end of the probation period then they are out.

Language and culture are ever changing no matter what. Keep up or get left behind.
When wages are low products and services cost less and there is more competition- everyone wins. Have faith in capitalism my young friend.

No. everyone doesn;t win. People put out of jobs or who have their futures destroyed by immigration policy should not have to endure this.

Markets have always been tempered with controls to keep local populations from being sacrficed to greed.

Protectionist measures have always been part of trade.

It's only in this new globalist neocon horseshit interpretation of things that the belief that all policies should favor corporate greed over working people has become popular.

I suggest removing your head from your ass. Fascism isn't cool.