Just spit on 'em like a normal liberal

My dad claimed it happened to him when he returned from Vietnam. Yes it did happen...too often.

But you're a hyper partisan dimwit who never lets reality, facts or the truth get in the way of your stupidity.

Where at? When did he claim it? Do you have any documented proof?

Sorry, but I don't find hearsay from an anonymous poster without any details of the event very compelling. There is no valid proof that it ever happened. The rights wing culture warriors dreamed it up in the 80s and claimed it was common.
Where at? When did he claim it? Do you have any documented proof?

Sorry, but I don't find hearsay from an anonymous poster without any details of the event very compelling. There is no valid proof that it ever happened. The rights wing culture warriors dreamed it up in the 80s and claimed it was common.

San Francisco Airport, where most returning vets were processed through.

Do I care if a dimwitted partisan asshat believes me?

Dreamed up in the 80's? Yes, you really are THAT stupid.
and your fucks spit on civil rights rights fighters.

hell they killed them


You mean those democrats in the white hoods, like this famous one.

San Francisco Airport, where most returning vets were processed through.

Do I care if a dimwitted partisan asshat believes me?

Dreamed up in the 80's? Yes, you really are THAT stupid.

Where is your proof that most vets were processed through San Francisco airport? Why would they return through a civilian airport? Do you have news reports to verify there was even a protest?

I think, you are completely full of shit.
That should end her idiot posts for awhile...

Do you honestly think she even reads anything anyone else presents between her crapflooding posts?

She doesn't have time.

Answer the question, Deshy.

Did you spit on a Black Vietnam vet?
Where is your proof that most vets were processed through San Francisco airport? Why would they return through a civilian airport? Do you have news reports to verify there was even a protest?

I think, you are completely full of shit.

More evidence of what complete and utter moron you really are. They returned on chartered airlines you dimwit. You think they flew on C130's back and forth?

Are you incapable of finding facts on the Internet; do a google search moron.
I am offended by David Sirota’s opinion and discounting of our experiences as Vietnam veterans. [“Legend of the spat-upon veteran,” Opinion, June 4.] While not every Vietnam veteran was maligned when returning home, the all-pervasive atmosphere, along with actual experiences, are not fable, they are true and real.

As an Army nurse returning from Vietnam in 1968, our entire planeload of veterans were held on the plane for two hours until it was safe for us to go into Travis Air Force Base. We were told to take our uniforms off after leaving the airport.

I was also in uniform in Washington, D.C., and had eggs thrown at me by protesters. No matter that I did not agree with the war, I still deserved respect for my service.

Contrary to what Sirota wrote, President Obama’s Memorial Day speech was very moving for me, brought me to tears and it was very healing to hear his words. While I do not speak for any of my brother or sister veterans, I trust others were moved and felt some healing as well.

So, Mr. Sirota, “I found your opinion piece cold and unfeeling. Not a way to honor veterans on Memorial Day!”

— Sarah L. Blum, Auburn

Arrogant, ignorant lecture

Far-leftie David Sirota burns me up. He wasn’t even born before the Vietnam War was over and he never served a day in uniform. But he arrogantly lectures us about how military people were treated during that time, and he claims to know what’s inside President Obama’s head.

I served during that time. I believe the president was simply honoring veterans who were consistently ignored (or worse). I was never personally spat upon, but I saw a few spitting and egg-throwing incidents and I know vets who were similarly dishonored. I was called “baby killer” more than once while in uniform, even though I was never sent to Vietnam. I saw people snubbed socially when they acknowledged their military service.

Sirota says we shouldn’t believe these events were widespread. The truth is that vets don’t like to talk about this stuff and news cameras didn’t happen to be at an airport gate or bus station at the right time (it may be news to Sirota that nobody had camera phones back then).

Sirota also conveniently ignores the fact that although a majority of Americans didn’t actively dishonor Vietnam-era vets, those who did were mainly leftists — like himself — who held those in uniform responsible for a flawed American foreign policy.

Oh, wait. I think President Obama said, “You were often blamed for a war you didn’t start.” That’s not “militarism.” It’s acknowledgment of dedicated service during an unpopular war.

— Phillip Johnson, Seattle

Revisionist history

I hope you have been reading the comments attached to David Sirota’s attempt at revisionist history. Fellow Vietnam veterans like myself have posted comments documenting that such events did occur, contrary to the “myth” Sirota is trying to sell.

It is clear that the anti-war crowd was upset by the comments President Obama made at the Vietnam War Memorial on Memorial Day. So those like Sirota have embarked on a mission to yet again paint those of us who served as dishonorable soldiers who lied about our painful experiences when we came home to a ungrateful nation to somehow promote the war machine and silence opposition to our current conflicts. None of us who fought in Vietnam desire war and the carnage that comes with it.

His attempt only pours more salt into old wounds. It is painfully clear that many of the comments posted are still disrespectful of our service and those who made the ultimate sacrifice when our nation called. Little has changed in more than 40 years.

— Roger Young, Seattle

Oh he didn't run at the moment and I continued to stand toe to toe with him even after his girl friend tried to push me down for spitting in his face.

He hung arround calling me names for awhile longer after that.

they didn't touch me again.

They did leave and they NEVER returned ever again.

they SAW they were not scaring me.
You lose your do do at pictures of skiny black guys standing in front of nearly all black voting locations who merely thought they needed to protect the voters from you.

Silly kids didn't understand the REAL threat you pose to them
I am sorry, but there is NO proof that it was a common occurrence. You can't rule out all incidents and I would think it fairly likely that there may have been a few isolated incidents, but the claim that it was common is unsupported. It's just a lie lapped up by mush brained traitors like Nova and repeated over and over to create sympathy for a bad war.
Where is your proof that most vets were processed through San Francisco airport? Why would they return through a civilian airport? Do you have news reports to verify there was even a protest?

I think, you are completely full of shit.

Can you prove they weren't ?

You morons come back a decade of more years later re-writing history.....and I don't blame you. The shameful and disgusting treatment of the
Vietnam vets by the liberal left wing nuts was as despicable as it gets.....

AND, I don't give a fuck what you say today or what snopes says or anyone else....it happened. I remember news reports of it.
but even then the media was left leaning and the coverage of that disgusting practice was over as fast as it appeared....