Just to be clear


When the rightists talk about deportation + ending birthright citizenship, what they are really doing is setting the stage for ethnic cleansing. Like there's zero other reason that the two subjects need to be in such close proximity to each other with a nakedly neofascist and white supremacist dictator in power.
It's a rhetorical bullshit line to win votes.

If the Repubs were serious about stopping immigration they would have passed Legislation when they had all Branches of Power.
(Stop drinking the Kool-aid)
When the rightists talk about deportation + ending birthright citizenship, what they are really doing is setting the stage for ethnic cleansing. Like there's zero other reason that the two subjects need to be in such close proximity to each other with a nakedly neofascist and white supremacist dictator in power.

No, it really is just about putting an end to open borders, and illegal immigration. How you make the leap to ethnic cleansing is beyond moronic. Please explain how you arrived at this ridiculous conclusion. Please be specific.
No, it really is just about putting an end to open borders, and illegal immigration. How you make the leap to ethnic cleansing is beyond moronic. Please explain how you arrived at this ridiculous conclusion. Please be specific.

You intend to classify all Hispanics as illegals whos ancestors lacked birthright citizenship and banish all Hispanic Americans from their nation.

Never in all of history has America ever had a tighter border than the one we have right now with Mexico. Please do not pretend that your totalitarian, hysterical, white supremacist policies are a restoration of some status quo.
No, it really is just about putting an end to open borders, and illegal immigration. How you make the leap to ethnic cleansing is beyond moronic. Please explain how you arrived at this ridiculous conclusion. Please be specific.
We don’t have open borders, why do you claim that we do?
You intend to classify all Hispanics as illegals whos ancestors lacked birthright citizenship and banish all Hispanic Americans from their nation.

Never in all of history has America ever had a tighter border than the one we have right now with Mexico. Please do not pretend that your totalitarian, hysterical, white supremacist policies are a restoration of some status quo.

Lol, really? I intend to banish myself? You are beyond idiotic. My grandparents came to the United States, from Mexico, legally, that is all we are seeking to uphold, legal immigration. Dont be retarded.
I'm not sure what else you would call it, when millions of illegal aliens currently reside here. A great many of whom crossed our border illegally.
I would call them porous, but not open. If it were truly open there would probably be more than that here and they wouidn’t be illegal.
You are an idiot
There are 17% Hispanics in the US that are legally here

Is your theory of ethnic cleansing apply to blacks as well. 12.3% of the population are black.
It's a rhetorical bullshit line to win votes.

If the Repubs were serious about stopping immigration they would have passed Legislation when they had all Branches of Power.
(Stop drinking the Kool-aid)

They did in 1986.

"required employers to attest to their employees' immigration status;
made it illegal to hire or recruit illegal immigrants knowingly;
legalized certain seasonal agricultural undocumented immigrants, and;
legalized undocumented immigrants who entered the United States before January 1, 1982 and had resided there continuously with the penalty of a fine, back taxes due, and admission of guilt; candidates were required to prove that they were not guilty of crimes, that they were in the country before January 1, 1982, and that they possessed at least a minimal knowledge about U.S. history, government, and the English language."

First of all, no one (at least none of the conservatives I know) is against legal immigration.
That said, why haven't the above stipulations been enforced over the last 30 years when both parties have had power?
Now that we have a president who wants to address the situation (it was one of the things he ran on), you leftists start
screaming racism, discrimination and inhumanity. Who's drinking the "Kool-aid"?
I believe both Red Team/Blue Team want 'immigration'. Red Team uses immigration as a vote getting mechanism. Blue Team is shooting itself in the foot on this issue.

They did in 1986.

"required employers to attest to their employees' immigration status;
made it illegal to hire or recruit illegal immigrants knowingly;
legalized certain seasonal agricultural undocumented immigrants, and;
legalized undocumented immigrants who entered the United States before January 1, 1982 and had resided there continuously with the penalty of a fine, back taxes due, and admission of guilt; candidates were required to prove that they were not guilty of crimes, that they were in the country before January 1, 1982, and that they possessed at least a minimal knowledge about U.S. history, government, and the English language."

First of all, no one (at least none of the conservatives I know) is against legal immigration.
That said, why haven't the above stipulations been enforced over the last 30 years when both parties have had power?
Now that we have a president who wants to address the situation (it was one of the things he ran on), you leftists start
screaming racism, discrimination and inhumanity. Who's drinking the "Kool-aid"?
I believe both Red Team/Blue Team want 'immigration'. Red Team uses immigration as a vote getting mechanism. Blue Team is shooting itself in the foot on this issue.

I believe I addressed this statement in my above post.
I believe I addressed this statement in my above post.


There will finally be a 'Bill' that allows Third World Labor to come here and Work, ... then Leave.
Everybody will be happy.
Corporate America will get to bring in Third World Labor to "Do the Work Americans don't Want to Do" (you know, the bullshit line to bring in Foreign Labor)
The 'Politically Correct' will get to hold hands and sing "We are Family" as Foreign Labor takes Jobs from Americans.
The DACA kids will become 'Americans'.
It will all be bi-partisan.

There will finally be a 'Bill' that allows Third World Labor to come here and Work, ... then Leave.
Everybody will be happy.
Corporate America will get to bring in Third World Labor to "Do the Work Americans don't Want to Do" (you know, the bullshit line to bring in Foreign Labor)
The 'Politically Correct' will get to hold hands and sing "We are Family" as Foreign Labor takes Jobs from Americans.
The DACA kids will become 'Americans'.
It will all be bi-partisan.

How did you get that out of my post? :thinking: