Just to be clear

When the rightists talk about deportation + ending birthright citizenship, what they are really doing is setting the stage for ethnic cleansing. Like there's zero other reason that the two subjects need to be in such close proximity to each other with a nakedly neofascist and white supremacist dictator in power.

Damn, you figured it out, you're too smart. You did miss one thing though, gingers have to leave too.
...are you for "porous" borders?lol Because ours are about as porous as they come....

The Trump supporter assholes are only pretending we are talking about borders.

We are actually just talking about the border between the United States and the slightly browner populations south of us.

I am opposed to the abomination, Donald Trump's notion of a wall...because only an asshole would force Mexico to pay for a useless thing like a wall...and that particular asshole is not even trying to get them to pay for it.
"The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), Pub.L. 99–603, 100 Stat. 3445, enacted November 6, 1986, also known as the Simpson–Mazzoli Act or the Reagan Amnesty,[1] signed into law by Ronald Reagan on November 6, 1986, is an Act of Congress which reformed United States immigration law. The Act[2]"

No shit. My point was the lack of enforcement of it :palm:

Are you trying to imitate Ox? He was in earlier...
The Trump supporter assholes are only pretending we are talking about borders.

We are actually just talking about the border between the United States and the slightly browner populations south of us.

I am opposed to the abomination, Donald Trump's notion of a wall...because only an asshole would force Mexico to pay for a useless thing like a wall...and that particular asshole is not even trying to get them to pay for it.

Yeah, we know Frank

The Trump supporter assholes are only pretending we are talking about borders.

We are actually just talking about the border between the United States and the slightly browner populations south of us.

I am opposed to the abomination, Donald Trump's notion of a wall...because only an asshole would force Mexico to pay for a useless thing like a wall...and that particular asshole is not even trying to get them to pay for it.
Who's rushing the borders illegally in huge numbers from anywhere else? This has nothing to do with " slightly browner people".....unless they are the ones breaking the law and skirting the process.... (about 9% from Asia 6% from Europe/Canada 4% from everywhere else....)
Who gives a shit who goes to a political rally. Personally I have better things to do.
I’m responding to the idiot that believes there is ethnic cleansing.
The number of Hispanics are increasing not decreasing.
They did in 1986.

"required employers to attest to their employees' immigration status;
made it illegal to hire or recruit illegal immigrants knowingly;
legalized certain seasonal agricultural undocumented immigrants, and;
legalized undocumented immigrants who entered the United States before January 1, 1982 and had resided there continuously with the penalty of a fine, back taxes due, and admission of guilt; candidates were required to prove that they were not guilty of crimes, that they were in the country before January 1, 1982, and that they possessed at least a minimal knowledge about U.S. history, government, and the English language."

First of all, no one (at least none of the conservatives I know) is against legal immigration.
That said, why haven't the above stipulations been enforced over the last 30 years when both parties have had power?
Now that we have a president who wants to address the situation (it was one of the things he ran on), you leftists start
screaming racism, discrimination and inhumanity. Who's drinking the "Kool-aid"?

No shit. My point was the lack of enforcement of it :palm:

Are you trying to imitate Ox? He was in earlier...

Why didn't you just say that then?

Uh, I did :rolleyes:
Who gives a shit who goes to a political rally. Personally I have better things to do.
I’m responding to the idiot that believes there is ethnic cleansing.
The number of Hispanics are increasing not decreasing.

You think that Americans are not obsessed with something called 'race', which they go on and on about forever? You think their drug habits are not destroying all the countries to their south? You believe trumpf to be a philosopher-king with your best interests at heart? Jesus wept!
Who's rushing the borders illegally in huge numbers from anywhere else? This has nothing to do with " slightly browner people".....unless they are the ones breaking the law and skirting the process.... (about 9% from Asia 6% from Europe/Canada 4% from everywhere else....)


But its okay. We realize people like you are required to deny it.

No problem.
It is the politicians (namely democrats) that use race as a issue fueled by the media. Race is an emotional topic and the media knows it.
The majority of the population is not obsessed with race. The majority of the population go to work and take care of their families. They have no time for the media bull shit.
It is the small percentage of radicals on the right and left that control the media coverage