Just walk away from the party of slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK, identity politics, infan


Verified User
Just walk away from the party of slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK, identity politics, infanticide, hatred, racism, anti-Americanism, division, demagoguery, socialism, the deep state, climate hoaxery, speech codes, safe spaces, indoctrination, globalism, open borders, lawlessness, black lives don't matter, hollyweird, government corporatism, pseudoscience, anti-Semitism, islamofascist apologists, feminazism, homofascism, violence, Antifa, fake news, historical revisionism, anti-family, Orwellianism, conformity, pedophilia. . . .

It's hard to fathom why anyone would WANT to be a democrat these days. The Dems are anti-American, for open borders, they favor ILLEGAL ALIENS over our OWN homeless and they support VERY LATE abortion. Pitiful and despicable.

Lots of people achieved greatness after leaving the Democrat Party: Reagan, Trump, ETC......

#WALKAWAY gaining members every day, and that means there are many more leaving the Democratic Party privately. This is expected since real Americans are not stupid.
Just walk away from the party of slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK, identity politics, infanticide, hatred, racism, anti-Americanism, division, demagoguery, socialism, the deep state, climate hoaxery, speech codes, safe spaces, indoctrination, globalism, open borders, lawlessness, black lives don't matter, hollyweird, government corporatism, pseudoscience, anti-Semitism, islamofascist apologists, feminazism, homofascism, violence, Antifa, fake news, historical revisionism, anti-family, Orwellianism, conformity, pedophilia. . . .

Dammo, you missed out cannibalism, mun! Like your balls about Nazism, this is totally silly and unhistorical: as you know, the Republican Party willingly kicked Lincoln in the gutter and embraced anything that might get them the odd vote for thieving, whereas the Democrats had to look to ordinary people.
I know for brandon straka, a gay man, he was perplexed about the dems warm embrace of islamic jihad, considering they throw gay people off buildings in islamic societies. he has a great point.
Dammo, you missed out cannibalism, mun! Like your balls about Nazism, this is totally silly and unhistorical: as you know, the Republican Party willingly kicked Lincoln in the gutter and embraced anything that might get them the odd vote for thieving, whereas the Democrats had to look to ordinary people.

dems: party of kkk and jim crow.
It's hard to fathom why anyone would WANT to be a democrat these days. The Dems are anti-American, for open borders, they favor ILLEGAL ALIENS over our OWN homeless and they support VERY LATE abortion. Pitiful and despicable.

Lots of people achieved greatness after leaving the Democrat Party: Reagan, Trump, ETC......

#WALKAWAY gaining members every day, and that means there are many more leaving the Democratic Party privately. This is expected since real Americans are not stupid.

you are a liar and a moron
Once upon a time, kid, like Republicans party of Stop Slavery. As you know, you will do anything whatever to get votes, from whatever shitbags are stupid enough. Current Republican Party, party of grovelling racists! Heil Trumpf!

shut your shill hole, dumbwad.
dems: party of kkk and jim crow.

Here's one of your own:

Originally Posted by Text Drivers are Killers
As always THREE WHITE MEN win Nobel prize in physics
No woman has won a nobel in physics since 1963 and no black has EVER won one!!! It's not because of racism or sexism since blacks and women win lots of nobels in no-brain fields like peace and literature. Why can't we admit what everyone knows. ? White men are superior.

Originally Posted by Text Drivers are Killers
Of course all the illegals have to go but what about black and hispanic and muslim american CITIZENS.? Nearly all are criminals and on welfare but we can't throw them out. Suppose we offered a family of four $100,000 to move to some other country. If a million took the offer, that would cost $100 billion a year which is not that much in a country with a GDP of $20 trillion. After 20 years of such a program america would be mostly white again. Diversity is NOT strength. Diversity is nothing but trouble.

Originally Posted by Text Drivers are Killers
I'm not fond of the jooz but when they were given the land we now call israel, they turned it into a first world country within a few decades. Granted, they should not have been given the land, but that's another issue.

Originally Posted by Text Drivers are Killers
Anything to help blacks and illegals steal from working whites. To criminals school is not about education. It's just about free day care and free food.

Originally Posted by Text Drivers are Killers
More proof jooz run america. They've made billions off the Holocash lie and they don't want that to end.

Originally Posted by Text Drivers are Killers
Fact is nobody wants to be around blacks. Blacks mean crime and drugs and poverty.

I rest my case.
Here's one of your own:

Originally Posted by Text Drivers are Killers
As always THREE WHITE MEN win Nobel prize in physics
No woman has won a nobel in physics since 1963 and no black has EVER won one!!! It's not because of racism or sexism since blacks and women win lots of nobels in no-brain fields like peace and literature. Why can't we admit what everyone knows. ? White men are superior.

Originally Posted by Text Drivers are Killers
Of course all the illegals have to go but what about black and hispanic and muslim american CITIZENS.? Nearly all are criminals and on welfare but we can't throw them out. Suppose we offered a family of four $100,000 to move to some other country. If a million took the offer, that would cost $100 billion a year which is not that much in a country with a GDP of $20 trillion. After 20 years of such a program america would be mostly white again. Diversity is NOT strength. Diversity is nothing but trouble.

Originally Posted by Text Drivers are Killers
I'm not fond of the jooz but when they were given the land we now call israel, they turned it into a first world country within a few decades. Granted, they should not have been given the land, but that's another issue.

Originally Posted by Text Drivers are Killers
Anything to help blacks and illegals steal from working whites. To criminals school is not about education. It's just about free day care and free food.

Originally Posted by Text Drivers are Killers
More proof jooz run america. They've made billions off the Holocash lie and they don't want that to end.

Originally Posted by Text Drivers are Killers
Fact is nobody wants to be around blacks. Blacks mean crime and drugs and poverty.

I rest my case.

you lose counselor, cherry pick and false cause fallacies.