Just When You Think He Has Gone Away!

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You do realize the war on Terror was ended?

Everything I ever suspected about the Bush admin is already being confirmed just by=uy ex members of the cabal writing their books.

MM was right and you my friend fell for a thousand lies in the name of party.

evince you may be 100% right , But Obama ran his campaign on we need to be hunting Bin Laden not fighting in Iraq

So I ask why are we still hunting Bin Laden if it was all a lie?

And I am asking this seriously, not trying to be a smart ass
evince you may be 100% right , But Obama ran his campaign on we need to be hunting Bin Laden not fighting in Iraq

So I ask why are we still hunting Bin Laden if it was all a lie?

And I am asking this seriously, not trying to be a smart ass

We are still hunting bin Laden, news to me!
We are still hunting bin Laden, news to me!

Damn another one of Obama's lies, and to think how many people I have seen post on here how we shouldn't be in Iraq we should be looking for Bin Laden in Afghanistan, Guess steppin up the offensive in Afghanistan is all a lie to, Bet the parents of the dead soldiers would like to know we are there for no reason :rolleyes:
So lets see if I got this right, MM makes movies making fun of the trashy Rep. and the Dem. don't watch them, so I guess the Rep. pay to watch themselves be mocked, gotcha :rolleyes:

sure they have to watch them to make fun of the movie.
Kinda like skin flick censors.
The liberals hero tossed to the side like yesterdays trash. Remember when the libtards worshiped and praised the fat one, not so long ago. Now look at them, the new one has told them all to sing only praises to him, all others must die.

Uh Michael Moore has been going after Democrats since the Clinton administration. Anyone who knows Moore and his films knows this basic fact. I believe Moore is an independent. I saw a doc of his a few yrs ago where he was going after NAFTA and how stupid that is. As far as his films and critics only thing you guys have mentioned is his weight/looks or called him some other name. You haven't debated on facts at all. Interesting that is.
Honestly I tried to watch it, it lasted about 10 mins, I think the only truth he put in there was his name, that's just my opinion

But think about how stupid Washington is, MM told them this was all a lie and yet we still hunt Bin Laden, LOL OOO and don't forget it isn't GW and his band of criminals and liars doing it now

Seriously my question is ( and it has been posted in this thread before) if MM has shown so many lies, why are the Dems. that would love to hammer GW and his cronies still hunting him? To me that puts a major ??? on MM

Moore backs everything up on his website with citations. Where's yours? Who says Dems hunt him? Lots of Democrats I know like him and watch his films. You need to get out more.
Damn another one of Obama's lies, and to think how many people I have seen post on here how we shouldn't be in Iraq we should be looking for Bin Laden in Afghanistan, Guess steppin up the offensive in Afghanistan is all a lie to, Bet the parents of the dead soldiers would like to know we are there for no reason :rolleyes:

Uh yes hon. Obama has always had his mission about getting BinLadin and the Taliban. :palm: Personally I think Bin Ladin has been dead for yrs and in Afghanistan there are only 100 AlQida there and the Taliban is their govt so only their people can get rid of them.
I suggest some of you go back and watch F 911 and realize just how much Moore was right about.

Funny how you hate the people who turned out to be tellin you the truth and "cling" to the assholes who lied their asses off to you.

First, I will say when Michael was looking for material for this new movie, a group of shareholders and I sent him enough material to fill his two hours. But unfortunatly, he'd rather not give you the full story, he just wants to sensationalize and make some dough. If you want the truth, go read my blogs about WaMu and the other topics I started. There is some real eye opening details in there for you to browse through. Michael Moore was too afraid to touch it, and it would have been a great movie about how the government colluded with a few evil corps to bring down the economy.