Mention a bucket of shit and you appear......
Yeah....ya got us pinhead....millions of us gunners are going to turn ourselves in tomorrow morning......not being in the militia and all....
If you knew who your momma was, she'd be proud....or is it your daddy thats a mystery?
Libby, why are there so many black kids without fathers?
No surprise here that you FAILED to answer the question AND played the race card.Notice folks, that this brain dead bigot is so upset that his compadres can't logically or factually disprove what was put forth in posts #38 an 39, that he's resorted to race baiting in order to change the subject.
Damn Yankee is one pathetic little cretin with this tactic.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Notice folks, that this brain dead bigot is so upset that his compadres can't logically or factually disprove what was put forth in posts #38 an 39, that he's resorted to race baiting in order to change the subject.
Damn Yankee is one pathetic little cretin with this tactic.
No surprise here that you FAILED to answer the question AND played the race card.
whats funny is that all taichi would have to do is go through the chronology of THREADS on this entire board to understand that his arguments and points in 38 and 39 of this thread alone have been thoroughly debunked. It's easy to see why he refuses to do so though, since as a liberal he must absolutely be right in spite of facts proving him wrong.
Libby, why are there so many black kids without fathers?
Why are there so many white kids without fathers, too?
Why is my question racist, Libby?Don't follow him up....that's how defeated neocon's hijack threads rather than admit defeat/error. In Damn Yankee's case, he does it with racism. Don't indulge him.
Why are there so many white kids without fathers, too? 56 percent of black children lived in single-parent families in 2004, with most of those families headed by mothers. That figure compared with 22 percent of white children and 31 percent of Hispanic children.
Because if she does she'll be racist, right?Don't follow him up....
Nothing is funny about what a pathetic liar you are, STY. All you and your cronies do is just CLAIM something has been debunked...but to date you cannot LOGICALLY OR FACTALLY do so. As I've tried to school you time and again, STY, YOUR OPINION DOES NOT EQUATE TO FACT AND/OR LOGIC.
As the chronology of the posts shows (specifically in post #38 and #39), I used documented facts (i.e., quoted laws, codes, etc.) to demonstrate the contradictions to what YOU and your like minded cohorts assert, STY. But rather than deal with that like an adult, you just childishly avoid the facts and keep parroting the mantras that all intellectually challenged gunners do when defeated.
But let me put it in terms you'll understand....since Post #38 & #39, you and your buddies have just been shoveling BS and avoid the facts. Carry on.