1960s Chick Magnet
You, Vandy Clown, are a very stupid mutant.She has to get the nomination first, old man.
Biden has 14.5 million primary votes and Heels Up Harris has zero (0) primary votes.
She has the required capabilities to use sex to improve her political career.
Kamala Harris’ much older lover gave her a BMW and salary-boosting job as she climbed Democratic Party ranks
Sounds like her best capability is when she is on her knees.
Political parties don't have to recognize the primaries at all.
The Democrats already refused to recognize the New Hampshire Primary before it was even held.
The Democratic Convention is where our party's candidates are chosen,
Biden has released all of his committed delegates,
and frankly,
I don't have much regard for the primary system at all,
ESPECIALLY the open primaries where non-party registrants are allowed to participate.
Democratic Party leaders are the people who should choose the party's candidates.
The people have the general election.
As for knees, Vandy Clown, try not to project.