Kamala hit with Brand New Investigation


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The administration is facing allegations that it used taxpayer money to fly in Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky--
a foreign agent--to campaign for Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania.

The investigation focuses on determining whether Zelensky's visit, did, in fact, benefit Kamala's presidential campaign and violate campaign laws.

The administration is facing allegations that it used taxpayer money to fly in Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky--
a foreign agent--to campaign for Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania.

The investigation focuses on determining whether Zelensky's visit, did, in fact, benefit Kamala's presidential campaign and violate campaign laws.

Did she bring him over and then tell him he can't have his return ticket unless he gives Kamala some dirt on Trump's sons?
The administration is facing allegations that it used taxpayer money to fly in Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky--
a foreign agent--to campaign for Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania.

The investigation focuses on determining whether Zelensky's visit, did, in fact, benefit Kamala's presidential campaign and violate campaign laws.

How did it benefit her campaign? What laws were broken?
The administration is facing allegations that it used taxpayer money to fly in Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky--
a foreign agent--to campaign for Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania.

The investigation focuses on determining whether Zelensky's visit, did, in fact, benefit Kamala's presidential campaign and violate campaign laws.

The gullible and willfully ignorant are so funny! Thanks for the laughs! Impeach!

the gas lighting shit stains would be throwing a fit if this was reversed

Trump telling Zalensky to abide by our treaty and investigate open and in your face corruption OUTRAGES the Stalinist democrats.

Bribing Zalensky to openly campaign for Harris is kewl though...
No, Harris told him he can't have trillions more of American taxpayer cash unless he campaigns for her.

Any "evidence" for this claim? Remember it has to be MORE EXPLICIT than your guy's Quid Pro Quo with Zelensky back in his first term, otherwise it's not valid.

You guys established the rules, now you might have to live by them.
Did she bring him over and then tell him he can't have his return ticket unless he gives Kamala some dirt on Trump's sons?
Where there is no dirt and never will be any dirt on Trump's sons, the possibility of her giving Zelensky the huge
amount of dirt on biden's son Hunter seems quite unlikely since he's a stupid foreign bribe laden democrat son of her boss.
How did it benefit her campaign? What laws were broken?
Read the OP again where it says it would benefit Kamala's presidential campaign and violate campaign laws. Most likely could be compared to the Russian hoax scheme the dems created to put on Trump, only, that scheme blew up in their lying faces, where this potential violation of campaign laws looks to be the real thing. I won't expect to see kamala cackling after this investigation comes to fruition.
Where there is no dirt and never will be any dirt on Trump's sons, the possibility of her giving Zelensky the huge
amount of dirt on biden's son Hunter seems quite unlikely since he's a stupid foreign bribe laden democrat son of her boss.


Any "evidence" for this claim?

Yeah, it's all over the news - no one made a secret of it.

Remember it has to be MORE EXPLICIT than your guy's Quid Pro Quo with Zelensky back in his first term, otherwise it's not valid.

What Quid Pro Quo?

Nothing in the call even hinted at such. Biden was engaged in corruption with Burisma - Ukraine is under treaty obligation to investigate corruption.

Joe Biden taking bribes doesn't make Trump guilty.

You guys established the rules, now you might have to live by them.

Oh the IRONY.
Yeah, it's all over the news - no one made a secret of it.

What Quid Pro Quo?

Nothing in the call even hinted at such. Biden was engaged in corruption with Burisma - Ukraine is under treaty obligation to investigate corruption.

Joe Biden taking bribes doesn't make Trump guilty.

Oh the IRONY.

If it was "OK" for Trump to ask for dirt on his political rivals in exchange for the aid, then anything Kamala did HAS TO BE WORSE THAN THAT.

Otherwise it means your guy was guilty all along.
Did she bring him over and then tell him he can't have his return ticket unless he gives Kamala some dirt on Trump's sons?
If trump is to be believed, Zelenskyy is meeting with him in that shithole he owns in NYC

Does that mean trump paid to fly him in?
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If it was "OK" for Trump to ask for dirt on his political rivals in exchange for the aid,

But he didn't, did he? You're just lying through your fucking teeth.

then anything Kamala did HAS TO BE WORSE THAN THAT.

IF Kamala murdered pregnant women and drank their blood, isn't that worse?

I mean, since we are just making shit up to slander the opposition.

Otherwise it means your guy was guilty all along.

Otherwise it means you're not worth bothering with - all you do is spew absurd lies.