Kamala Reallocates Millions to Down-Ballot Races After Post-Convention Polling Stall

Kamala Reallocates Millions to Down-Ballot Races After Post-Convention Polling Stall

Kamala Harris Campaign Reallocates Millions to Down-Ballot Races After Post-Convention Polling Stall

Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign is setting a record, albeit one with questionable electoral benefits for Harris.Harris’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) are offloading nearly $25 million dollars to down-ballot races across the country in “an earlier investment and far more money than the top of the ticket has sent in past election years,” Politico reported.

The unprecedented reallocation comes as Harris’s campaign goes on defense after failing to achieve a post-convention bump taken for granted by most modern campaigns. Harris and her top surrogates were dispatched to blue states this week, where former President Donald Trump continues to show unexpected strength.The down-ballot spending also follows a terrible week capped by the campaign’s trashing of 13 Gold Star families — an attack that blew up spectacularly.


I think they know that she can't win.Their internal polling numbers are probably so bad that they are worried about losing a number of senate and house seats.
And the visions of SUGERPLUMS dance in your head!

Your imagination has no limit!

Hilarious fantasies and wishful thinking EARL!

Trump has been campaigning since January 2021, and hasn't added one new voter to his BASE of IDIOTS!

Kamala has been in the race for less than two months, and has raised 400 million dollars and added 200,000 campaign volunteers, and 100's of thousands of people have registered to vote Democrat in every state- that have never voted before.

How do you like the REPUBLICANS FOR KAMALA coalition? They are a million strong now!
