Kamala's Base

Ahhhhhh, so I'll be called a racist for being honest about those two candidates? Gotcha!


you can't even read.

he's saying you're threatening people with the racist label.

that's your only play. it's not even a book of plays. it's one play.
1. Gross mishandling of a public health crisis
2. Non-stop lying (we even saw him alter storm tracks to align with his lack of geographic knowledge)
3. Threatening NATO by refusing to support Article 5
4. Allowing Russians into the Oval Office where he could then give state secrets
5. Fomenting a violent coup to remain in power

On a side note, did you see any clips of Commiela Harris speaking in Atlanta, Georgia?
Please forgive me, but I don't find any value in listening to Kamel-humps.

There's a reason that her platform is 100% dishonest attacks on Donald Trump; she is not wanted by voters of her party, she hasn't accomplished anything, Donald Trump is wanted by all conservatives and more and more non-conservatives every day, and Donald Trump is acknowledged as the best President the US has ever had*.

I cannot get beyond no one in the DNC wanting Kamaaaaah!la or even liking her. In 2020, Kummly failed to get any delegates in the initial stages and quickly dropped out of the running. She couldn't even point to a single delegate and say "See, someone loves me."

Jumping offline and interviewing Trump-haters, I can't find anyone, who is thrilled at the prospect of voting for Kammerella. Of course, if you read any news article about Kamminiola, you'll be told that she is clearly "winning." I suppose I could just look at the scoreboard.

* - no Trump-hater has been able to annunciate any reason for believing that Donald Trump wasn't the best President in US history, considering only official duties. Yes, they'll all deny anything and everything positive about him, but they won't cite a single specific example of how Trump somehow came up short in his official duties.
Please forgive me, but I don't find any value in listening to Kamel-humps.
You're forgiven.
There's a reason that her platform is 100% dishonest attacks on Donald Trump; she is not wanted by voters of her party, she hasn't accomplished anything, Donald Trump is wanted by all conservatives and more and more non-conservatives every day, and Donald Trump is acknowledged as the best President the US has ever had*.

I cannot get beyond no one in the DNC wanting Kamaaaaah!la or even liking her. In 2020, Kummly failed to get any delegates in the initial stages and quickly dropped out of the running. She couldn't even point to a single delegate and say "See, someone loves me."

Jumping offline and interviewing Trump-haters, I can't find anyone, who is thrilled at the prospect of voting for Kammerella. Of course, if you read any news article about Kamminiola, you'll be told that she is clearly "winning." I suppose I could just look at the scoreboard.

* - no Trump-hater has been able to annunciate any reason for believing that Donald Trump wasn't the best President in US history, considering only official duties. Yes, they'll all deny anything and everything positive about him, but they won't cite a single specific example of how Trump somehow came up short in his official duties.

this guy ^ is hilarious. And we dont have to vote anymore if trump gets four more years......
Trumpys skip right by that statement that you will not have to vote again. It again reveals what a danger he is to the American experiment. It is one of many threats Trump has made about his plans to redo the country into a subsidiary of Trumpco. Trumpys want America to end as we know it and become a dictatorship.
Fascism is a duality with super powerful leader and the wealthy running a country for their benefit. The wealthy control industry to enrich themselves. MONEY=POWER.
Trump wants all the power because he is corrupt and needs to stay out of jail. He has to control the judicial system. He will destroy the country to benefit himself. He is a 34 time felon, out on bail awaiting sentencing and Trumpys will stupidly vote for such a person. It should give you the creeps.
Wrong. Her base is the Democratic voters, the environmentalists, the pro-choicers, anti-assault weapons people, anti-corruption types and those who do not want the American experiment to end.
Right, I’ve been corrected on this a number of times now.
Trumpys skip right by that statement that you will not have to vote again. It again reveals what a danger he is to the American experiment.
It is one of many threats Trump has made about his plans to redo the country into a subsidiary of Trumpco. Trumpys want America to end as we know it and become a dictatorship.
You are describing yourself again, Sybil. YOU CAN'T BLAME YOUR PROBLEM ON ANYBODY ELSE!
Fascism is a duality with super powerful leader and the wealthy running a country for their benefit. The wealthy control industry to enrich themselves. MONEY=POWER.
You are describing yourself and Democrats again, Sybil. YOU CAN'T BLAME YOUR PROBLEM ON ANYBODY ELSE!
Trump wants all the power because he is corrupt
You are describing yourself and Democrats again, Sybil. YOU CAN'T BLAME YOUR PROBLEM ON ANYBODY ELSE!
and needs to stay out of jail.
He has to control the judicial system. He will destroy the country to benefit himself.
You are describing Democrats again, Sybil. YOU CANNOT BLAME YOUR PROBLEM ON ANYBODY ELSE!
He is a 34 time felon, out on bail awaiting sentencing and Trumpys will stupidly vote for such a person. It should give you the creeps.
I agree. Kamala has no base.
Her base is the Democratic voters,
Nope. They voted for Biden.
the environmentalists,
Nope. The enviro-fascists voted for Biden.
the pro-choicers,
Nope. The murderers voted for Biden.
anti-assault weapons people,
Nope. There is no such thing as an 'assault weapon'. Buzzword fallacy.
anti-corruption types
Nope. They voted for Trump.
and those who do not want the American experiment to end.
Nope. They voted for Trump.

Your hallucination problem is really bad, Sybil.
Trumpys skip right by that statement that you will not have to vote again. It again reveals what a danger he is to the American experiment. It is one of many threats Trump has made about his plans to redo the country into a subsidiary of Trumpco. Trumpys want America to end as we know it and become a dictatorship.
Fascism is a duality with super powerful leader and the wealthy running a country for their benefit. The wealthy control industry to enrich themselves. MONEY=POWER.
Trump wants all the power because he is corrupt and needs to stay out of jail. He has to control the judicial system. He will destroy the country to benefit himself. He is a 34 time felon, out on bail awaiting sentencing and Trumpys will stupidly vote for such a person. It should give you the creeps.
I hope you don't own guns, you are nuts!
Not only is Kamala's base made up from those seen in the meme, but she can also be assured that the anti Jew
progressive squad in congress has her total support.

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I am so sick and tired of seeing cowards that come to this country bc they're too afraid to stay in thier own fuckin countries and fight for it, come here and raise hell. You hate the fuckin jews than damit stay in your country and fight them. You hate fuckin muslims, than stay in your country and fight them, Latino's you hate not having a fuckin good job than damnit vote for better leaders....but for the love of GOD, stop coming to America and expecting us to fight your gotdamn battles, stay home and fuckin fight and leave us the fuck alone!!