APP - Karen Santorum: 2012 Is a 'Battlefield' for 'Defending God's Truth'

God's truth, what is that exactly and how would Karen Santorum know? These people would have been comitted at one time in our history for "hearing voices". Now they all have a hotline to God's truth!
God's truth, what is that exactly and how would Karen Santorum know? These people would have been comitted at one time in our history for "hearing voices". Now they all have a hotline to God's truth!

Or they would have led armies.

They want to go on the battle field? Great! Give both of them a rifle and drop them in the middle of Afghanistan.

Two war-mongering psychos. God's message telling him to become President so he can send other people to the slaughter of war.

Mentally ill folks with delusions of grandeur running for President. It certainly is scary stuff.
I disagree with Rick Santorum on several issues. That said, he seems like a nice guy and unlike the intolerant left, I have respect for his beliefs. I also appreciate his uncanny ability to drive liberals insane (if they weren't insane already, that is).

And the fact of the matter is, if Karen Santorum were a Muslim who said 2012 will be the battleground for defending Allah's truth, we wouldn't hear a peep from the left.
I disagree with Rick Santorum on several issues. That said, he seems like a nice guy and unlike the intolerant left, I have respect for his beliefs. I also appreciate his uncanny ability to drive liberals insane (if they weren't insane already, that is).

And the fact of the matter is, if Karen Santorum were a Muslim who said 2012 will be the battleground for defending Allah's truth, we wouldn't hear a peep from the left.

i do not care what someone else's religion is, as long as they leave me alone to practice mine and do not lay their religion's laws on me

over the centuries god's truth has changed and is still not agreed on between the different religions
I disagree with Rick Santorum on several issues. That said, he seems like a nice guy and unlike the intolerant left, I have respect for his beliefs. I also appreciate his uncanny ability to drive liberals insane (if they weren't insane already, that is).

And the fact of the matter is, if Karen Santorum were a Muslim who said 2012 will be the battleground for defending Allah's truth, we wouldn't hear a peep from the left.
You ignorant hypocrite. Here's a man who's main ambition is to force his views down our throats and who is not only intolerant but utterly contemptful of those who don't share his views and you dare call those who don't agree with this wacked out nut job intolerant?

You're just a another narrow minded fool who incapable of objective thought who is on the wrong side of history and your only method of rationalizing it is by marginalizing those who disagree with you. You're as bad as Santorum and those nut job muslim fanatics. There's no difference between you and them what so ever.
Santorum marginalized himself when he divided the people in his state when he threw his support behind the Dover Board of Education. The people of Pennsylvania made it perfectly clear that they would not tolerate a fringe extremist like Santorum attacking and undermining sound science education nor would they tolerate his dividing people along the lines of religion or wasting public money by supporting inane and frivilous law suits.
I think these hardcore fundamentalists don't stand a chance of being elected to the white house.

And the social conservatives are losing ground on lots of issues.
I think these hardcore fundamentalists don't stand a chance of being elected to the white house.

And the social conservatives are losing ground on lots of issues.
That's because social conservatism is on the wrong side of history. Social conservatism, as a political ideology, was rejected by the American people in 1776, 1865 and 1964 and if it raises it's ugly head once more it will be rejected again.

You ever notice that social conservatives are all for freedom of religion as long as it's their religion?
That's because social conservatism is on the wrong side of history. Social conservatism, as a political ideology, was rejected by the American people in 1776, 1865 and 1964 and if it raises it's ugly head once more it will be rejected again.

You ever notice that social conservatives are all for freedom of religion as long as it's their religion?

Exactly right. I liked the cartoon someone here posted with the woman ranting about all the things going against God's Will, and when someone pointed out she was wrong, she screamed "Why are you oprressing me?".

Luckily we have evolved passed the time those idiots have power.
Karen Santorum's going to rue the day her husband throws his hat in the ring and their entire life is open to scrutiny. She has some pretty serious skeletons in her closet that are polar opposites of the stuff she's now spouting.

Well I'd hate to see that. If she's not a political player then her skeletons are her own personal private business and should remain in her closet.
Karen Santorum's going to rue the day her husband throws his hat in the ring and their entire life is open to scrutiny. She has some pretty serious skeletons in her closet that are polar opposites of the stuff she's now spouting.

Really! I love the born again sinner!