APP - Karen Santorum: 2012 Is a 'Battlefield' for 'Defending God's Truth'

I disagree with Rick Santorum on several issues. That said, he seems like a nice guy and unlike the intolerant left, I have respect for his beliefs. I also appreciate his uncanny ability to drive liberals insane (if they weren't insane already, that is).

And the fact of the matter is, if Karen Santorum were a Muslim who said 2012 will be the battleground for defending Allah's truth, we wouldn't hear a peep from the left.

You need to flush, you are so full of your own shit, it cracks me up.

The things that caused Santorum to be driven from the Senate will cause him to lose his candidacy for President.

Liberals like to keep God out of politics and so did Jesus. Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and give to Jehovah/Yahweh what is Yahweh's.

I respect his beliefs as long as he keeps them to himself, his wife, his family and his Catholic community, but he needs to keep his religion off my rights! thanks
You need to flush, you are so full of your own shit, it cracks me up.

The things that caused Santorum to be driven from the Senate will cause him to lose his candidacy for President.

Liberals like to keep God out of politics and so did Jesus. Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and give to Jehovah/Yahweh what is Yahweh's.

I respect his beliefs as long as he keeps them to himself, his wife, his family and his Catholic community, but he needs to keep his religion off my rights! thanks

Well said Rana!
If I were president, I would probably go down as the one who cited God and religion the fewest times, because I really wouldn't (and don't now) have the time of day to respond to outrage from the left. If liberal catholics called me on it, I would seriously tell them its their responsibility, since its their aisle. If the right called me on it, I'd just point out all of my religious qualifications and claim I'm doing better than most.
Really, Mott? I'm as bad as a fundamentalist Muslim who blows up innocent people? You are a lunatic.

The fact of the matter is, as far as personal freedom is concerned, I am farther to the left than most liberals. I am pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, pro-legalized drugs, pro-2nd amendment, and frankly, I don't give a damn what god you worship. On the other hand, you also won't find me bashing a politician because he thinks God is calling him to run for office.

Some politicians' views are influenced by their religion; others' views are shaped by secular humanism. I respect both sides on an equal basis. We are a country with a great religious heritage, and even today, we are more religious than other western nations. If you find that unacceptable, you're in the wrong country.
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Really, Mott? I'm as bad as a fundamentalist Muslim who blows up innocent people? You are a lunatic.

The fact of the matter is, as far as personal freedom is concerned, I am farther to the left than most liberals. I am pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, pro-legalized drugs, pro-2nd amendment, and frankly, I don't give a damn what god you worship. On the other hand, you also won't find me bashing a politician because he thinks God is calling him to run for office.

Some politicians' views are influenced by their religion; others' views are shaped by secular humanism. I respect both sides on an equal basis. We are a country with a great religious heritage, and even today, we are more religious than other western nations. If you find that unacceptable, you're in the wrong country.

Mott was not calling you a muslim terrorist or even comparing you to one. He was calling you out on the claim that if they had been muslims and were going to fight for "God's Will" the left would have been silent.

Reading the article, there is no sense that the Santorums intend to respect any beliefs but their own. They want in put "God's Will" into law. And it will be their interpretation of God's Will. Anyone not scared of that should have their head examined.
If I were president, I would probably go down as the one who cited God and religion the fewest times, because I really wouldn't (and don't now) have the time of day to respond to outrage from the left. If liberal catholics called me on it, I would seriously tell them its their responsibility, since its their aisle. If the right called me on it, I'd just point out all of my religious qualifications and claim I'm doing better than most.

Yea and who is the left? Anyone who doesn't kiss the ass of some old guy who wears a dress and a beanie? No thank you. I can think for myself.
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Really, Mott? I'm as bad as a fundamentalist Muslim who blows up innocent people? You are a lunatic.

The fact of the matter is, as far as personal freedom is concerned, I am farther to the left than most liberals. I am pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, pro-legalized drugs, pro-2nd amendment, and frankly, I don't give a damn what god you worship. On the other hand, you also won't find me bashing a politician because he thinks God is calling him to run for office.

Some politicians' views are influenced by their religion; others' views are shaped by secular humanism. I respect both sides on an equal basis. We are a country with a great religious heritage, and even today, we are more religious than other western nations. If you find that unacceptable, you're in the wrong country.

OH God above protect me. "Secular Humanism" is just religious code language for "I can't think for myself so some one has to do it for me."

Look dude, you may think it's ok for a politician to think God is calling them to seek office and power and you can be dissmissive toward those of us who find it alarming and marginalize us as "liberals" but where I come from it's called megalomania.
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Mott was not calling you a muslim terrorist or even comparing you to one. He was calling you out on the claim that if they had been muslims and were going to fight for "God's Will" the left would have been silent.

Reading the article, there is no sense that the Santorums intend to respect any beliefs but their own. They want in put "God's Will" into law. And it will be their interpretation of God's Will. Anyone not scared of that should have their head examined.
Fuckin A right. People like Volt just want to replace Sharia with Santorum. I think I'll stick with the rule of law.
I disagree with Rick Santorum on several issues. That said, he seems like a nice guy and unlike the intolerant left, I have respect for his beliefs. I also appreciate his uncanny ability to drive liberals insane (if they weren't insane already, that is).

And the fact of the matter is, if Karen Santorum were a Muslim who said 2012 will be the battleground for defending Allah's truth, we wouldn't hear a peep from the left.

Exactly! Seeing the moral decay socially and declaring it a "battle ground for God's truth" is just so scary according to the OP <eye-fricking roll>
OH God above protect me. "Secular Humanism" is just religious code language for "I can't think for myself so some one has to do it for me."

Look dude, you may think it's ok for a politician to think God is calling them to seek office and power and you can be dissmissive toward those of us who find it alarming and marginalize us as "liberals" but where I come from it's called megalomania.

To humbly seek a calling has nothing to do with voices in your head. It's about taking your beliefs; your circumstances; your abilities; and praying about your desire to pursue it-seeking peace. That you are scared of that is ridiculous! If Obama is a Christian, it would have been his duty to do the same.
To humbly seek a calling has nothing to do with voices in your head. It's about taking your beliefs; your circumstances; your abilities; and praying about your desire to pursue it-seeking peace. That you are scared of that is ridiculous! If Obama is a Christian, it would have been his duty to do the same.

Yea well there's no room for that in public policy. Public policy based on faith and religion is illogical, borderline imoral, and down right stupid. Public policy has to be based on fact, logic, reason and what is in the best interest of the most people. Religion is all well and fine as a guiding influence and philosophy but public policy based on any religious view point is madness.
Yea well there's no room for that in public policy. Public policy based on faith and religion is illogical, borderline imoral, and down right stupid. Public policy has to be based on fact, logic, reason and what is in the best interest of the most people. Religion is all well and fine as a guiding influence and philosophy but public policy based on any religious view point is madness.

That's ridiculous! Santorum is a man of faith-is not Obama? To have an opinion on a social issues because of your world view is normal and has a place in all things-including politics. Why was Obama asked so often about his social views? Why did he seek out a popular evangelical to have a question answer session?
Mott was not calling you a muslim terrorist or even comparing you to one.

Actually, he did:

"You're as bad as Santorum and those nut job muslim fanatics. There's no difference between you and them what so ever."

Sure seems like a comparison to me.

He was calling you out on the claim that if they had been muslims and were going to fight for "God's Will" the left would have been silent.

Yes, and I stand by that statement. Liberals have done a fine job ignoring incidents such as this one:
Really, Mott? I'm as bad as a fundamentalist Muslim who blows up innocent people? You are a lunatic.

The fact of the matter is, as far as personal freedom is concerned, I am farther to the left than most liberals. I am pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, pro-legalized drugs, pro-2nd amendment, and frankly, I don't give a damn what god you worship. On the other hand, you also won't find me bashing a politician because he thinks God is calling him to run for office.

Some politicians' views are influenced by their religion; others' views are shaped by secular humanism. I respect both sides on an equal basis. We are a country with a great religious heritage, and even today, we are more religious than other western nations. If you find that unacceptable, you're in the wrong country.

perhaps, but too many 'religious' people do not practice what they preach
Exactly! Seeing the moral decay socially and declaring it a "battle ground for God's truth" is just so scary according to the OP <eye-fricking roll>

whose morality

the religious have been claiming that social decay is rampant for centuries

change happens, deal with it
actually, opposing something IS a way of dealing with it.....

you may as well as oppose the incoming tide as oppose social change

what worries me the most is 'moral' people advocating legislation opposing social change like the repubs in the house who seem to be confused with their mandate
That's ridiculous! Santorum is a man of faith-is not Obama? To have an opinion on a social issues because of your world view is normal and has a place in all things-including politics. Why was Obama asked so often about his social views? Why did he seek out a popular evangelical to have a question answer session?
You're missing a point. Being a person of faith is fine. It's great. It's highly recommended, as a guiding influence. It has no place in public policy though.
Actually, he did:

"You're as bad as Santorum and those nut job muslim fanatics. There's no difference between you and them what so ever."

Sure seems like a comparison to me.

Yes, and I stand by that statement. Liberals have done a fine job ignoring incidents such as this one:
It's a valid comparison. You're as intolerant as they are. You're trying to paint all Muslims at extremist terrorist. That's just pure and plain bigotry and considering Catholicism sordid and murderous history, no Catholic has room to criticise Muslims. They've done far worse.