Karl Rove asks a Woman for a date


Will work for Scooby snacks
‘[Karl Rove] was so inept.’

In a recent conversation with the editors of the Washington Post, Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings was asked why she rebuffed Karl Rove’s advances on her in the early ’80s. Spellings paused, then said: “Have you met Karl Rove? He was so inept and so inartful,” she added. “I mean, I couldn’t even understand."

I'm blaming her for this mess. Maybe had she'd given him some pity attention he wouldn't have had so much time to devise a plan to ruin the world. Nice going lady.
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With Rove's apparent inartfullness with respect to dating the fairer gender, I'm betting that his is the next name to come out of the prostitution DC Maddam's little black book. Rove looks like a dude who has to pay for sex.

With Rove's apparent inartfullness with respect to dating the fairer gender, I'm betting that his is the next name to come out of the prostitution DC Maddam's little black book. Rove looks like a dude who has to pay for sex.


Yeah...I just hope they don't give us the details you know? I just don't want a visual on Karl Rove in diapers.
LOL. Oh yeah, that video starred in the mastubatory fantasies of thousands I'm sure.

But, they were all gay male Republicans!