Karl Rove covers super tuesday?

Olbermann is one of the reasons MSNBC has lower ratings than Air America... something I didn't know was possible.

As for Rove, it's about time Fox News brought in somebody to balance the likes of Bob Beckel, Rahm Emanuel, Susan Estrich, Alan Colmes, Greta VanSusteren and the rest of the leftst crowd that takes up so much of their air time.

One of the problems with watching a balanced network, is that you have to listen to liberal tripe for half the time. Oh, the sacrifices we make..... :cof1:

Only a radical conservative could call Fauxnews balanced. They have no liberals on air.
Olbermann is one of the reasons MSNBC has lower ratings than Air America... something I didn't know was possible.

As for Rove, it's about time Fox News brought in somebody to balance the likes of Bob Beckel, Rahm Emanuel, Susan Estrich, Alan Colmes, Greta VanSusteren and the rest of the leftst crowd that takes up so much of their air time.

One of the problems with watching a balanced network, is that you have to listen to liberal tripe for half the time. Oh, the sacrifices we make..... :cof1:

Obviously facts are not your friend.

Learn2troll. You suck at it.

"MSNBC continued to grow in total day in viewers (17%) and the demo (15%) and was up in primetime 28% in total viewers and 22% in the demo. "
