Kavanaugh Was ‘Aggressive And Belligerent’ When Drunk

Wonder if Kav was drunk today. A couple martinis and after lunch was belligerent as hell. He was also aggressive interrupting, yelling and rude. Should have given him a breathalyzer.

Bart is aggressive and belligerent in public when practiced and rehearsed to answer questions about his past behavior in a job interview, supposedly while sober.
Hello Nordberg,

Wonder if Kav was drunk today. A couple martinis and after lunch was belligerent as hell. He was also aggressive interrupting, yelling and rude. Should have given him a breathalyzer.

That makes a lot of sense!

That's how he acted.

Belligerent and aggressive.
I am not aggressive to women. Are you drunk Klobuchar? i treat women with respect. Well, if they earn it. I will call balls and strikes neutrally unless I believe the Dems, Kathy Griffin, Soros or the clintons have something to do with it. Then it is a big NO. As a Supreme, i will follow orders from Trump until i die.