Keeping a gun is about to get very expensive

"right to self defense with the best tools available"??????

So, the US government should allow people to have the "Tommy gun"?
The government should allow people to posses hand grenades?
What about an RPG?
What about a small nuclear device?
Those are the "best tools available", right?

stop with the nuclear device hyperbole. it makes you look like an idiot.
The tommy gun is still legal.
hand grenades are legal.
RPGs are legal.

I am always left wondering how you pro government monopoly of force morons delude yourself with the notion that the government has the power to restrict weapons when 'shall not be infringed' is quite clear.
You're the moron, the government already tells you that, with laws and arrest.
Got pills without a prescription, heroin, cocaine, fentanyl.
Think the laws are "trying" to tell you something.

only that you are part of a sizable portion of the population that are unable to control themselves, so they require government to tell them what they can and cannot do.....
"right to self defense with the best tools available"??????

So, the US government should allow people to have the "Tommy gun"?
The government should allow people to posses hand grenades?
What about an RPG?
What about a small nuclear device?
Those are the "best tools available", right?
stop with the nuclear device hyperbole. it makes you look like an idiot.
The tommy gun is still legal.
hand grenades are legal.
RPGs are legal.

I am always left wondering how you pro government monopoly of force morons delude yourself with the notion that the government has the power to restrict weapons when 'shall not be infringed' is quite clear.

Agreed the nuclear weapon argument makes him look stupid.

All firearms are already restricted. What the fanatical gun-grabbing left is saying, in essence, is "If banning some weapons is good, then banning even more weapons is better." I'm staunchly opposed to such erosion of Constitutional rights. The far Left, and by extension, the Democratic Party, cannot be trusted to be honest on any issues related to self-defense. They've repeatedly lied and proved themselves to be disengenous.

If they really want to stop "gun violence", then both sides should agree to sit down and discuss the #1 form of gun violence. The form of gun violence that accounts for about 2/3s of all gun violence victims: Suicide.

Fix why almost 50,000 Americans, about half of them with handguns (not AR's or high capacity magazines) commit suicide and then I'd trust the Democrats to review other violence issues. Until then, they can go fuck themselves on anything related to firearms, self-defense or the Second Amendment.

Let's not forget how many US military personnel commit suicide every year because of our nation's cultural stigma about mental health.
Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the US

In 2018, 48,344 Americans died by suicide

In 2018, there were an estimated 1.4M suicide attempts
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No, he isn't, The only idiot repeating that are RWNJ websites.
Biden wants to eliminate blind squirrel guns and magazines though, I'm all for it, don't need 60 rounds to wound a rabbit.

'Biden's gun control plan outlines a buyback program for "assault weapons and high-capacity magazines," but the program is not a mandatory buyback and would not force people to give their up their guns.

According to Biden's website, the buyback program "will give individuals who now possess assault weapons or high-capacity magazines two options: sell the weapons to the government, or register them under the National Firearms Act."

The second amendment is not about rabbits. It's stupid to pretend it is. It does not say, "Because folks hunt rabbits, the right of the people...." No, it says (paraphrasing): "Because the government can call up an army at any moment, the right of the people to keep and bear arms..."

This crap about how happy you are that the government wants to take away one of your enumerated rights because you don't need "60 rounds to hunt rabbits" is the Argument to the Absurd fallacy. You pretend that there is some idiot cartoon character out there that wants an AR15 to hunt rabbits and then argue against that.