Keir Starmer on course for landslide UK election victory


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This is almost entirely a consequence of the COVID-19 crisis. It's a repeat of the bullshit in Trudeau's Canada albeit notre Pierre Castro at least has a soupcon of charisma which lib ladies wet themselves over, Starmer is truly dull and boring.
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Thanks to being saddled with Brexit the UK is in social ruin. The new guy may rejoin the European Customs Union - but it will take many years to repair the damage done by 14 years of right-wing rule.
He has pledged to recognize the Palestinian state- a brave move in the face of US opposition. He will be judged on honoring that pledge- otherwise his own party will want rid of him. He's also anti-Trump.
Financial pressures are largely responsible for the UK dramatic change of political direction. The overarching factor , apart from Tory incompetence never before witnessed in history, is the cost of fuel. Oddly enough, US foreign policy is responsible for the staggering UK fuel costs. By destroying the German/Russian Nord Stream pipelines Biden cut off Europe from cheap Russian gas. The new guy can't be described as a socialist- but he's the nearest practical thing. Time will tell. For sure- he's not going to click with the new French lurch into rightist fanaticism. Trump will though.

N.B. I studied British politics at post-graduate level. You can safely ignore anything that the Brit maggot, serendipity, has to say about it as hysterical angst. His hero- Bozo Johnson- is OFFICIALLY- a flagrant liar. He's another factor in this latest Conservative wipe-out. He partied while the UK wept over their Covid dead.
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Financial pressures are largely responsible for the UK dramatic change of political direction. The overarching factor , apart from Tory incompetence never before witnessed in history, is the cost of fuel. Oddly enough, US foreign policy is responsible for the staggering UK fuel costs. By destroying the German/Russian Nord Stream pipelines Biden cut off Europe from cheap Russian gas. The new guy can't be described as a socialist- but he's the nearest practical thing. Time will tell. For sure- he's not going to click with the new French lurch into rightist fanaticism. Trump will though.

N.B. I studied British politics at post-graduate level. You can safely ignore anything that the Brit maggot, serendipity, has to say about it as hysterical angst. His hero- Bozo Johnson- is OFFICIALLY- a flagrant liar. He's another factor in this latest Conservative wipe-out. He partied while the UK wept over their Covid dead.
post graduate political education just means you're dumb as fuck, sorry to say.


Keynesian globalist fascistonomics.
The Brit maggot, serendipity- will now abandon his drowned Tory rats, including the official liar, Bozo Johnson- and he will prostrate himself before the new rightist racist in the UK- Nigel Farage, friend of Desperate Don.
You can watch it here , folks. He's here all week

Haw, haw...................................................haw.
The nearly complete failure of the Brit political class, as well as through almost the whole of Europe, is a tragedy.

This is the death of the West.
Thanks to being saddled with Brexit the UK is in social ruin. The new guy may rejoin the European Customs Union - but it will take many years to repair the damage done by 14 years of right-wing rule.
He has pledged to recognize the Palestinian state- a brave move in the face of US opposition. He will be judged on honoring that pledge- otherwise his own party will want rid of him. He's also anti-Trump.
He won't stab Israel in the back, his wife and kids are Jewish
Financial pressures are largely responsible for the UK dramatic change of political direction. The overarching factor , apart from Tory incompetence never before witnessed in history, is the cost of fuel. Oddly enough, US foreign policy is responsible for the staggering UK fuel costs. By destroying the German/Russian Nord Stream pipelines Biden cut off Europe from cheap Russian gas. The new guy can't be described as a socialist- but he's the nearest practical thing. Time will tell. For sure- he's not going to click with the new French lurch into rightist fanaticism. Trump will though.

N.B. I studied British politics at post-graduate level. You can safely ignore anything that the Brit maggot, serendipity, has to say about it as hysterical angst. His hero- Bozo Johnson- is OFFICIALLY- a flagrant liar. He's another factor in this latest Conservative wipe-out. He partied while the UK wept over their Covid dead.
The stupid cunt knows very little actually, despite all his preening and primping. Starmer and Rayner did the exact same fucking thing in Durham but the Durham police indulged in a total whitewash and allowed them to get off scot free.

As for Nordstream there is no evidence that Biden was responsible, the most likely suspect is Ukraine.

Let's deal with some facts, Starmer won with less votes than Comrade Corbyn. They only got in because the Liberal Democrats polled better than any time in the past hundred years, the SNP are dead in the water and Nigel Farage reentered politics with the Reform Party which siphoned off millions of Conservative votes. Common sense will prevail in due course when people are brutally reminded just how useless Labour really is, expect the Corbyn and Momentum to crawl out of the woodwork and attempt to take over again.
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As for Nordstream there is no evidence that Biden was responsible, the most likely suspect is Ukraine.
That's ' most likely ' to YOU, serenpitydip- but your accuracy record ranks with Liz Truss's.

Haw, haw........................................................haw.


The Brit maggot, serenpitydip- will now abandon his drowned Tory rats, including the official liar, Bozo Johnson- and he will prostrate himself before the new rightist racist in the UK- Nigel Farage, friend of Desperate Don.
You can watch it here , folks. He's here all week

Haw, haw...................................................haw.