Ken Burns: Trump is the opioid of all opioids.

I rarely watch anything dealing with military history on television because it's almost always so full of misinformation, stupidity, and just wrong stuff I end up yelling at it and the wife gets mad about that.
That's too bad. Ken Burns' documentaries are well-research, well done, and award-winning too.

Alsotoo, it's okay to accuse someone of incest as long as both are adults. *more eyeroll*
Interesting..I came from a place where the r word was banned. Doesn't seem to be the case here and one person has Tourette's syndrome with it. Good grief
I rarely watch anything dealing with military history on television because it's almost always so full of misinformation, stupidity, and just wrong stuff I end up yelling at it and the wife gets mad about that.
His Civil War was written with Buens with 3 famous Civil War historians. They used quotes from Lincoln, R.E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, Frederick Douglas, and many more war contemporaries. Other historians lauded it. If only they had your expertise in the 1980s. Think how good it could have been.
In that case serious documentary history has little or no value to you. What does? Nothing you post here suggests you have an interest in scholarship of any kind.
If Ken Burns had come out praising #TRE45ON, Gardner would say that his Civil War documentary was the best one he'd ever seen.
Says who? Gibbon was a great historian, looking back with an histotian’s perspective. These books are a collection of pieces from the 19th century by military figures of the war themselves, completely absent of historical perspective.

Again, says who?
They are first-hand accounts. That makes them of value since they're unfiltered.
If Ken Burns had come out praising #TRE45ON, Gardner would say that his Civil War documentary was the best one he'd ever seen.
No, I wouldn't. His Civil War documentary doesn't have value to me. That doesn't mean it's without merit. For a very general view of things it isn't bad at all.