Khamenei: America is supporting ISIS

keeping men out of women's bathrooms is hardly 'controlling behavior by religious beliefs'

What's the beef, then? Unisex toilets are in use all over the world.

Gender segregated restrooms in the United States and Europe are a vestige of the Victorian era where women's modesty and safety were considered at risk and under constant need of surveillance and discipline. While public water closets were considered necessary for sanitation reasons, they were viewed as offending public sensibilities. Because public facilities were associated with access to public spaces, extending these rights to women was viewed as "immoral" and an "abomination".

I think you need to differentiate between "conservatives" and religious fundamentalist in the USA..Not so much in Muslim countries where there is sharia law

I think that you need to acknowledge that conservatives are often religious fundamentalists themselves, or they pretend to be to pander to the Religious Right, who would love to impose Christian Sharia on us all.

I haven't read the latest copy of Dabiq

Nor much else, judging by your ignorance of the similarities between Muslim and Christian fundamentalist beliefs. :rolleyes:
What's the beef, then? Unisex toilets are in use all over the world.

Gender segregated restrooms in the United States and Europe are a vestige of the Victorian era where women's modesty and safety were considered at risk and under constant need of surveillance and discipline. While public water closets were considered necessary for sanitation reasons, they were viewed as offending public sensibilities. Because public facilities were associated with access to public spaces, extending these rights to women was viewed as "immoral" and an "abomination".

I think that you need to acknowledge that conservatives are often religious fundamentalists themselves, or they pretend to be to pander to the Religious Right, who would love to impose Christian Sharia on us all.

Nor much else, judging by your ignorance of the similarities between Muslim and Christian fundamentalist beliefs. :rolleyes:
It's PC weirdness confined to almost exclusively university whacked out "gender inclusive" maniacs. That is far from wordwide..
hey are by far the exception then the rule..

There is no such thing as "Christian sharia" - there are extreme fundamentalists who no doubt would impose some type of biblical
law on us -but there is the Constitution that regurally shuts them down. For goodness sake -even gay marriage is the law of the land now.

There is some similarity to Christianity and Islam. Both are revealed religions, both are Abrahamic. Both are apocalypitic.
In practice though there are not large numbers of Xtian fundies who control governments or territories like salafi/fundie Islam.
It's PC weirdness confined to almost exclusively university whacked out "gender inclusive" maniacs. That is far from wordwide..hey are by far the exception then the rule..

Really? Because you say so?

There is no such thing as "Christian sharia" - there are extreme fundamentalists who no doubt would impose some type of biblical law on us -but there is the Constitution that regurally shuts them down.

So far. But the American Taliban keeps trying, don't they?

For goodness sake -even gay marriage is the law of the land now.

Has Kim Davis heard about this?

There is some similarity to Christianity and Islam. Both are revealed religions, both are Abrahamic. Both are apocalypitic.

And both enjoin the Faithful to shun, hate and kill homosexuals?

In practice though there are not large numbers of Xtian fundies who control governments or territories like salafi/fundie Islam.

It's not for lack of trying, is it?