Kidney stones suck. Any thing you could tell a noob about medical marijuana?


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I've been no stranger to kidney stones as I've had just about every procedure done. It seems quarantines doubling down on inactivity and consumption of preserved and frozen foods has given me one once again. Opioids officially suck though and too many NSAID pain relievers can cause bleeding and liver problems. So here are some things I'd like to know. Types, prices, possible side effects. I live in a state that is lax with weed usage
I've been no stranger to kidney stones as I've had just about every procedure done. It seems quarantines doubling down on inactivity and consumption of preserved and frozen foods has given me one once again. Opioids officially suck though and too many NSAID pain relievers can cause bleeding and liver problems. So here are some things I'd like to know. Types, prices, possible side effects. I live in a state that is lax with weed usage

Well, Croc, I don't smoke weed, and don't know anyone who HAS smoked weed to alleviate kidney stone pain. I passed a HUGE kidney stone some 13-14 years ago. The pain was horrific. I had to go to an ER at a local hospital. Luckily I was immediately given a painkiller through IV, and had some X-rays taken. There was a scary moment when they thought it COULD be my appendix flaring up, but that was ruled out. There was also a chance I would have to have surgery if the stone was too big to pass through. Luckily it was determined the stone COULD pass on its own, and it did. Since then, I make sure I'm always properly hydrated, and I've been drinking a lot of cranberry juice as of late. And fortunately I've had no kidney stones since 13-14 years ago.
Not going to deliver much punch.
Assuming its too late to ultrasound it away you may be stuck. The missus has had a number of them. I had one gall stone and i would not have minded dying it hurt so bad.
thinking marijuana will help with kidney stones is a rumor started by pot heads who think their penis is bigger when they toke........
Don't do it. Medical marijuana for the most part is a home remedy with little scientific support. Long term use has many drawbacks, particularly if smoked.

Let me share a personal anecdote, based in part on what actual research has been done on this.

My younger brother developed a bi-polar scherzo effective mental disorder in his late 40's. The quacks all said this was extremely rare and couldn't find a good explanation for it. There was no family history of this disorder happening. He had been a regular marijuana user since his teens. There is now mounting evidence that long-term use such as his can result in such a disorder. He was found twice by the state to be mentally incompetent. He finally stopped using and now in his late 50's he has not had a repeat episode.

There have also been good studies of the Maori people of New Zealand, the heaviest marijuana smokers in the world. They have almost triple the rate of lung cancer and a far higher incidence of schizophrenia than would otherwise be expected.

So, be very careful of people who tell you marijuana is harmless and has no lasting side effects. It's something to consider.
Don't do it. Medical marijuana for the most part is a home remedy with little scientific support. Long term use has many drawbacks, particularly if smoked.

Let me share a personal anecdote, based in part on what actual research has been done on this.

My younger brother developed a bi-polar scherzo effective mental disorder in his late 40's. The quacks all said this was extremely rare and couldn't find a good explanation for it. There was no family history of this disorder happening. He had been a regular marijuana user since his teens. There is now mounting evidence that long-term use such as his can result in such a disorder. He was found twice by the state to be mentally incompetent. He finally stopped using and now in his late 50's he has not had a repeat episode.

There have also been good studies of the Maori people of New Zealand, the heaviest marijuana smokers in the world. They have almost triple the rate of lung cancer and a far higher incidence of schizophrenia than would otherwise be expected.

So, be very careful of people who tell you marijuana is harmless and has no lasting side effects. It's something to consider.

I've been no stranger to kidney stones as I've had just about every procedure done. It seems quarantines doubling down on inactivity and consumption of preserved and frozen foods has given me one once again. Opioids officially suck though and too many NSAID pain relievers can cause bleeding and liver problems. So here are some things I'd like to know. Types, prices, possible side effects. I live in a state that is lax with weed usage

Hmmm, drink lots, avoid tea. You can probably find lots of ways to avoid stones in the future.

For pain, you probably want to go with edibles as they can last most of the day (if you don't need to drive) vs. smoking which has short-lived benefit (and lung damage). Start with 10 or 20mg THC the first day and work your way up from there to find what fits your needs best. I don't think there are any significant side effects (dry mouth, rapid heart beat, whatever). If you take a lot, you'll be pretty non-functional for a few hours, but it's harmless.

I don't use pot, so I'm not familiar with prices. I'm a drinker.
For some reason, the one doctor I saw thought that was too excessive for a kidney stone. My first thought was. Come again?

LOL. It is quite literally the worst pain you will ever feel, unless you get bone cancer and I would not wish either on anyone. I get so danged many that before the "opioid crisis" I could literally just call the doctor and he'd send in a prescription to the pharmacy.
LOL. It is quite literally the worst pain you will ever feel, unless you get bone cancer and I would not wish either on anyone. I get so danged many that before the "opioid crisis" I could literally just call the doctor and he'd send in a prescription to the pharmacy.

I was walking half intimidating cowboy and half cutesy penguin waddle. It's finally at a point where I can move well again. Kidney Stones are my dad's side of the family's curse. I don't think any of them haven't had multiple kidney stones. I've had basically every surgical procedure done for removing kidney stones. One thing I used to do was use a heating pad or one of those Tiger Balm patches. They often helped more than the drugs.
Don't do it. Medical marijuana for the most part is a home remedy with little scientific support. Long term use has many drawbacks, particularly if smoked.

Let me share a personal anecdote, based in part on what actual research has been done on this.

My younger brother developed a bi-polar scherzo effective mental disorder in his late 40's. The quacks all said this was extremely rare and couldn't find a good explanation for it. There was no family history of this disorder happening. He had been a regular marijuana user since his teens. There is now mounting evidence that long-term use such as his can result in such a disorder. He was found twice by the state to be mentally incompetent. He finally stopped using and now in his late 50's he has not had a repeat episode.

There have also been good studies of the Maori people of New Zealand, the heaviest marijuana smokers in the world. They have almost triple the rate of lung cancer and a far higher incidence of schizophrenia than would otherwise be expected.

So, be very careful of people who tell you marijuana is harmless and has no lasting side effects. It's something to consider.

I used to know all the side effects of weed but like I forgot what they were.
Nothing magical here but just common sense mostly.

Drink plenty of fluids, particularly water.
Avoid processed food.
Avoid calcium rich foods, such as milk, cheese, yogurt, oysters, and tofu.
Eat lemons or oranges, or drink fresh lemonade.
Limit how much protein you eat.
Stick to a low-fat diet.
LOL. It is quite literally the worst pain you will ever feel, unless you get bone cancer and I would not wish either on anyone. I get so danged many that before the "opioid crisis" I could literally just call the doctor and he'd send in a prescription to the pharmacy.

I feel bad for those who suffer kidney stones. Once you have one you can’t really do anything but mitigate the pain short of surgery to remove said stone.

I’m not sure if there’s any peer reviewed research but I’m fairly confident that those who get stones might have a recessive allele that prevents the reaction of calcium and oaxalates in the gi tract and has it happen in the kidneys during urine formation.

Stone are hard to manage because we know what the dietary requirements are (lower calcium and oaxalates in you diet). The problem with that is we need calcium and oaxalates to have good health.

So how do you balance the two so you don’t get stones? I don’t think that question has been answered.

One diet I do know that has peer reviewed documentation in reducing stones is alkaline detox diet. The concept behind the diet is trying to maintain the bodies pH near it’s physiological ideal of around 7.6, which is slightly alkaline. The diet focuses on the determining the inorganic components (acid or alkaline ash) of food and emphasizing whichever is needed to balance pH at 7.6.

The problem with the diet is it’s a very counterintuitive one. Some highly acidic foods, like tomatoes, have an alkaline inorganic composition, and it’s the inorganic composition of food that influences physiological pH.

But the notion of managing physiological pH by diet does have validity and does have peer reviewed research on it’s wellness benefits but you’re such a bizarre case that there’s no way to tell if it would help but in “normal” cases of stones alkaline detox diets have shown to help.
LOL. It is quite literally the worst pain you will ever feel, unless you get bone cancer and I would not wish either on anyone. I get so danged many that before the "opioid crisis" I could literally just call the doctor and he'd send in a prescription to the pharmacy.
I had bone pain with chemo, I’ve never had kidney stones, but I’d rather have labor than bone pain and my sister said she’d rather have labor than kidney stones. Pain is not fun.