Don't do it. Medical marijuana for the most part is a home remedy with little scientific support. Long term use has many drawbacks, particularly if smoked.
Let me share a personal anecdote, based in part on what actual research has been done on this.
My younger brother developed a bi-polar scherzo effective mental disorder in his late 40's. The quacks all said this was extremely rare and couldn't find a good explanation for it. There was no family history of this disorder happening. He had been a regular marijuana user since his teens. There is now mounting evidence that long-term use such as his can result in such a disorder. He was found twice by the state to be mentally incompetent. He finally stopped using and now in his late 50's he has not had a repeat episode.
There have also been good studies of the Maori people of New Zealand, the heaviest marijuana smokers in the world. They have almost triple the rate of lung cancer and a far higher incidence of schizophrenia than would otherwise be expected.
So, be very careful of people who tell you marijuana is harmless and has no lasting side effects. It's something to consider.