Kidney stones suck. Any thing you could tell a noob about medical marijuana?

LOL. It is quite literally the worst pain you will ever feel, unless you get bone cancer and I would not wish either on anyone. I get so danged many that before the "opioid crisis" I could literally just call the doctor and he'd send in a prescription to the pharmacy.

I know about bone pain as I had to go into hospital to get an infected tibia with osteomyelitis drained. The pain from that was truly excruciating, wouldn't wish that on anyone well apart from one or two.
Pancreatitis is also extremely painful. I had it 3 times. The first time I had it I thought it was just a severe case of the stomach flu. Wound up in the hospital for 7 days. No food, no water, stuck on an IV and pumped full of morphine and it didn't help a bit. I had to beg for an ice cube to moisten my mouth.
The only thing I've ever had that compares to it was my last surgery. They had to pull my guts out to get to the femoral artery next to my spine to do a bypass. Took 4 months to recover from that.

I don't know if weed would help with kidney stones, but I would think the pain is too intense from what others have said how painful it can be.
I did a lot of research on what weed can and cannot help when it comes to pain and other ailments. Myself, I don't think it would help me enough
to spend the money on it (getting the green card costs over $550 in PA, then the weed costs $50-$60 for 1/8 ounce).

All that said, from what I have read, you might want to check into it for your other conditions. You'll have to find a Dr. who will prescribe it, most
here won't and the one who will won't take any insurance, all appts. are out-of-pocket and the medical weed pharmacies only take cash too.

Since Crock has me on ignore, someone should quote this post for his consideration. I would at least look into it if I were him, but not just for the kidney stones. My .02 cents.
Don't do it. Medical marijuana for the most part is a home remedy with little scientific support. Long term use has many drawbacks, particularly if smoked.

Let me share a personal anecdote, based in part on what actual research has been done on this.

My younger brother developed a bi-polar scherzo effective mental disorder in his late 40's. The quacks all said this was extremely rare and couldn't find a good explanation for it. There was no family history of this disorder happening. He had been a regular marijuana user since his teens. There is now mounting evidence that long-term use such as his can result in such a disorder. He was found twice by the state to be mentally incompetent. He finally stopped using and now in his late 50's he has not had a repeat episode.

There have also been good studies of the Maori people of New Zealand, the heaviest marijuana smokers in the world. They have almost triple the rate of lung cancer and a far higher incidence of schizophrenia than would otherwise be expected.

So, be very careful of people who tell you marijuana is harmless and has no lasting side effects. It's something to consider.

A few random cases,out of millions of users
A few random cases,out of millions of users

Not really. There is about a 20% greater chance of developing the aforementioned mental illnesses.
Weight for weight, marijuana smoked is about 3 times as carcinogeness as tobacco as it is smoked unfiltered and closer to the butt of the joint than cigarettes. It also contains more of the combustion byproducts that cause cancer. So, while marijuana smokers generally smoke less by weight of their chosen 'herb' they are still at risk for lung cancer, etc., just as cigarette smokers are.
Not really. There is about a 20% greater chance of developing the aforementioned mental illnesses.
Weight for weight, marijuana smoked is about 3 times as carcinogeness as tobacco as it is smoked unfiltered and closer to the butt of the joint than cigarettes. It also contains more of the combustion byproducts that cause cancer. So, while marijuana smokers generally smoke less by weight of their chosen 'herb' they are still at risk for lung cancer, etc., just as cigarette smokers are.

I don't smoke,if you don't like marijuana,don't use it.
I've seen people like you before,no personal experience,read only one POV.
Take a hike!
I don't smoke,if you don't like marijuana,don't use it.
I've seen people like you before,no personal experience,read only one POV.
Take a hike!

Thank you for the gratuitous ad hominem.

It isn't my liking or disliking it, but rather observations about the effects of its use, particularly long term. There are potential negative outcomes from use just like there are with tobacco.
Lucky for me the stone must have passed. One of the last things I'd want is to possibly need surgery during COVID. Made it through just enough on large doses of Ibuprofen.