Kudos to AOC

try to explain how.....this ought to be funny. go ahead, defend separating kids from their parents when the parents have broken no law.

Easy. They shouldnt be here. AT ALL. None of it would happen if they simply followed THE LAW. A bank robber runs out of a bank,... points a gun at a COP...BOOM! The cop blows his head off.

Wouldnt have happened if the crook wouldnt have robbed a bank and made things worse by pointing a gun at a cop. When you break the law there are serious consequences.
like a typical wimpy bitch, you nitpick words!! oh, no, they were called detainment centers when obama and gomer bush and reagan used them, but after trump started using them to hold kids and minors separated from their parents FOR NO GOOD REASON, they began to be called cages!!!! boo-fucking-hoo!!!

grow a pair, junior.

lol....what idiot would think rescue.org was a valid source of information......that would be like citing Planned Parenthood for advice on whether you should kill your unborn child.......
hmmmm...if you actually use your eyes to watch that video, IT SURE DOES LOOK LIKE KIDS IN CAGES!!! good god, thanks for proving that description was apt in way too many cases, you fucking moron.

Cages that were there under OBAMA.....LOL Thats the point. That D's change the description based on which party is in control.
Cages that were there under OBAMA.....LOL Thats the point. That D's change the description based on which party is in control.

no, try to think....................the conditions were not as crowded, there were more humane conditions, and kids were not being separated from their parents just to punish them.....those are huge big ass differences....and similar to under bush and reagan....there was a greater attempt at treating these kids and adults with more dignity and respect and compassion. asshole.
only when it is proven. these people have broken no law, they have not even been processed...and people seeking asylum HAVE TO BE IN THIS COUNTRY TO ASK FOR ASYLUM!!!

uh dude......if you rob a bank you have in fact broken a law even before you are convicted of it.........people can ask for asylum in any embassy......the difference is that they aren't released into the US to hide in the woodwork while waiting for a decision......basically they break the law so they can have an opportunity to break more laws......
no, try to think....................the conditions were not as crowded, there were more humane conditions, and kids were not being separated from their parents just to punish them.....those are huge big ass differences....and similar to under bush and reagan....there was a greater attempt at treating these kids and adults with more dignity and respect and compassion. asshole.

we aren't afraid of minorities or women......we're afraid of the demmycunts who manipulate their votes........fascism is a terrible thing......it has been suggested in another thread that the left is moving from supporting blacks to supporting hispanics......that may be because black support is less certain than it was twenty years ago.......as blacks get jobs and become more wealthy they become more conservative.......everyone who has to start paying taxes does......

The only people who are afraid are democrat leaders who are well aware of the progress Trump made with Hispanics from 2016-2020. And they have good reason to be afraid. It was because of the Hispanic vote that FL wasn’t even a swing state in November.

In many Gulf state counties Trump increased his margins by *double digits* with Hispanics over the same period. For the simple reason Trump’s border policy was protecting their jobs and their wages.

So the MAGA movement must be stopped, no matter what the cost. This also risks leaving black voters out in the cold. This bit with reparations is just talk—it’s the carrot dangled in front of blacks. Democrats have no intention of passing a reparations bill [well, they can’t] but they are happy ‘to study it’ as a means of keeping blacks in line and on the reservation.

Never underestimate their cynicism.
Serious answer. The upper level D's see blacks as problematic and want to replace them with Hispanics. In fact,....they have already replaced them with Hispanics as the largest minority group and the number is getting larger daily. Just one of the reasons why I LMAO every time I see Guno's sig line.

Blacks went to the slaver's Party because of Social Security. The 'Crats want to do the same thing with illegals.
only when it is proven. these people have broken no law, they have not even been processed...and people seeking asylum HAVE TO BE IN THIS COUNTRY TO ASK FOR ASYLUM!!!
lies. they could ask for asylum at foreign US embassy under Trump.

Safe third country” agreements: Under the Trump administration, the Department of Homeland Security has pressured governments of countries in Central America into signing agreements to stop migrants from traveling north to the U.S.- Mexico border. Agreements with Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador require migrants intending to seek asylum in the U.S. to seek asylum in those countries first, adopting a core element of a safe third country agreement. In cases where the asylum seeker is already on U.S. soil, they will be deported to one of the three countries–but not their country of origin.
MILLIONS of people from south of the border who can be made citizens and TAXED.

Most lower-income Americans pay zero federal income tax.

The top 1 percent paid a greater share of individual income taxes (40.1 percent) than the bottom 90 percent combined (28.6 percent).

The top 1 percent of taxpayers paid a 25.4 percent average individual income tax rate, which is more than seven times higher than taxpayers in the bottom 50 percent (3.4 percent).

Income tax after credits (the measure of “income taxes paid” above) does not account for the refundable portion of the earned income tax credit. If it were included, the tax share of the top income groups would be higher. The refundable portion is classified as a spending program by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and therefore is not included by the IRS in these figures.
