Kurdish Terrorists Attack Turkey


Atheist Missionary
Turkish police say they are hunting two suspects over an explosion in the resort town of Antalya that left three dead and hurt at least 20 on Monday.
The blast came hours after at least 27 people were hurt when bombs exploded in Istanbul and the resort of Marmaris.

A Kurdish militant group linked to the banned PKK party has said it carried out all three attacks.


Are we to stop funding to the Kurds now, or simply ignore it, as they are our friends in Iraq?
Turkish police say they are hunting two suspects over an explosion in the resort town of Antalya that left three dead and hurt at least 20 on Monday.
The blast came hours after at least 27 people were hurt when bombs exploded in Istanbul and the resort of Marmaris.

A Kurdish militant group linked to the banned PKK party has said it carried out all three attacks.


Are we to stop funding to the Kurds now, or simply ignore it, as they are our friends in Iraq?

My guess is we won't be supporting any organization that carries out terrorist attacks such as that.
My guess is we won't be supporting any organization that carries out terrorist attacks such as that.

That is also my guess.

This, of course, ignores the fact that Khurdish Terrorists were acting in Turkey long before we ever got in Iraq... It was one of the things that Turkey had against that war, they thought it would make it so the Iraqi Khurds would hook up with Khurds in Turkey... so far we've been successful at keeping that from happening.
My guess is that the PKK's actions in Turkey are certainly not being supported by the coalition but i'd be much less equivocal about covert funding for the PKK and her sister parties when that action is taken against Iran.
Turkish police say they are hunting two suspects over an explosion in the resort town of Antalya that left three dead and hurt at least 20 on Monday.
The blast came hours after at least 27 people were hurt when bombs exploded in Istanbul and the resort of Marmaris.

A Kurdish militant group linked to the banned PKK party has said it carried out all three attacks.


Are we to stop funding to the Kurds now, or simply ignore it, as they are our friends in Iraq?

The kurdish rebels have safe santuary in Iraq. The iraqi governemnt is either unwilling or unable to control them from attacking turkey.

Obviously, the parallels to hezbollah in lebanon apply here. I wonder when the Bagdad international airport is going to be bombed by the turkish air force?
The kurdish rebels have safe santuary in Iraq. The iraqi governemnt is either unwilling or unable to control them from attacking turkey.

Obviously, the parallels to hezbollah in lebanon apply here. I wonder when the Bagdad international airport is going to be bombed by the turkish air force?

My point exactly....

We also give significant financial aid to the Kurds. I wonder how much of this supports the PKK...
My guess is that the PKK's actions in Turkey are certainly not being supported by the coalition but i'd be much less equivocal about covert funding for the PKK and her sister parties when that action is taken against Iran.
This is most likely the truth of the matter.
My guess is that the PKK's actions in Turkey are certainly not being supported by the coalition but i'd be much less equivocal about covert funding for the PKK and her sister parties when that action is taken against Iran.

The kurds are nationalists who don't give a damn where their money comes from. I find it probable that US support of anti-iranian kurds, sometimes finds its way into the hands of anti-turkish kurds.

This is the nature of geopolitics and blowback.
The kurds are nationalists who don't give a damn where their money comes from. I find it probable that US support of anti-iranian kurds, sometimes finds its way into the hands of anti-turkish kurds.

This is the nature of geopolitics and blowback.

Hence the benefits of plausable deniability. If you've already gotten away with supplying arms to a terrorist state in order to covertly fund a right-wing revolutionary group in Central America, a bit of cash thrown to some bomb happy coves is a mere trifle.

Hooray for the CIA.
The kurdish rebels have safe santuary in Iraq. The iraqi governemnt is either unwilling or unable to control them from attacking turkey.

Obviously, the parallels to hezbollah in lebanon apply here. I wonder when the Bagdad international airport is going to be bombed by the turkish air force?
Another LIE from cypriss. Nowhere in the article does it say the Kurds are hiding in Iraq or even mention the word 'Iraq'. There are a lot of Kurds in eastern Turkey. Why the fuck would Kurds in Iraq want to help a Kurdish party in Turkey when they support their Kurdish party in Iraq?

Please stop the fucking lying, we know you have a hard on for trying to tie any negative shit to Republicans via Iraq, but if you had any historical knowledge you'd know that the PKK has in the past (as in years before the Iraq war) conducted many terrorist operations.
Also note that the attacks are way over in Eastern Turkey, it would be ridiculous to pretend that Kurds would waltz over from way over at the other end of the country, through all the border and internal security and conduct this and then go all the way back.

Moron goddam liar and I'm surprised AnyoldIdiot would go along with that bullshit.
The kurds are nationalists who don't give a damn where their money comes from. I find it probable that US support of anti-iranian kurds, sometimes finds its way into the hands of anti-turkish kurds.

This is the nature of geopolitics and blowback.

Fucking liar again, the Kurds in Iraq had a traditional beef with the Sunnis, as that was Saddam's government who persecuted them. They have done quite well with the majority Shiites ruling in Iraq now, who are the same ethnicity as the shiites of Iran.
Stupid cypriss, stupid, stupid, stupid.
Do you pull this shit out of your ass? Ir really bugs me how you try and make up shit and say it in such a way that you actually sound like you know what you're talking about.
dano asks:

"Why the fuck would Kurds in Iraq want to help a Kurdish party in Turkey when they support their Kurdish party in Iraq?"

because Kurds tend to help one another seeing as they are one of the largest ethnic groups on the planet without their own country.

It's all good because the Brits have never funded anything of the sort, right?

I don't differentiate between you and us in this case...
"Why the fuck would Kurds in Iraq want to help a Kurdish party in Turkey when they support their Kurdish party in Iraq?"

Are you not aware? The Kurdish groups are fighting for a Kurdish state across northern Iraq and southern Turkey.

The PKK has long used northern Iraq as an operating base from which to attack Turkish targets.

Of course, but our American cousins have much bigger pockets than us and we only do what we're told, you know.
So we are more successful at it? LOL. Either way, effecting nothing is also impossible. We must do the best we can. We avoid funding terrorists who attack those we ally with. It is unlikely there is a direct link to US funding and the PKK.
So we are more successful at it? LOL. Either way, effecting nothing is also impossible. We must do the best we can. We avoid funding terrorists who attack those we ally with. It is unlikely there is a direct link to US funding and the PKK.

If our defence budget was as large as that of the US it would be much, much easier for funds to 'go missing' in one of several black holes. It was also the case that if a British PM had been caught up in something on the scale of the Iran-Contra affair it would have brought down the government. Sadly, i don't think that would be the case in Today's climate.

I also have little doubt that some of the billions which disappeared in the maladministration of the Provisional government in Iraq has funded not only the PKK, but the Mahdi army, the Badr brigades and Sunni extremist groupings.

You'd think that the 'intelligence' communities might just grasp the lesson from previous funding disasters...hello Osama you crazy cat...and realise that sooner or later those anti-aircraft missiles will be shooting American and British helicopters out the sky.
So we are more successful at it? LOL. Either way, effecting nothing is also impossible. We must do the best we can. We avoid funding terrorists who attack those we ally with. It is unlikely there is a direct link to US funding and the PKK.

We must do the best we can. We avoid funding terrorists who attack those we ally with.

Its a dangerous game Damo. That's the argument Reagan made for funding the taliban-predessesors, bin ladin, and the afghan mujahadeen. That they would "only" attack the soviets. Of course, we're now aware of the history of that blow back.

Kurdish nationalist insurgency groups want to form a kurdish state comprised of areas of iran, iraq, and turkey. I suspect that support for anti-iranian kurds can make their way directly or indirectly also to anti-turkish kurdish groups.
We must do the best we can. We avoid funding terrorists who attack those we ally with.

Its a dangerous game Damo. That's the argument Reagan made for funding the taliban-predessesors, bin ladin, and the afghan mujahadeen. That they would "only" attack the soviets. Of course, we're now aware of the history of that blow back.

Kurdish nationalist insurgency groups want to form a kurdish state comprised of areas of iran, iraq, and turkey. I suspect that support for anti-iranian kurds can make their way directly or indirectly also to anti-turkish kurdish groups.
It is just as dangerous to be protectionist and attempt to effect the world not at all...

Yes, foreign relations is a difficult and dangerous game and people like Carter end up funding bad people doing bad things... Attempting to say that we should not attempt to effect the world positively would have a different negative effect on the US. In fact we never became a world power until we did work to effect the world positively.