KY would bypass Electoral College under House plan

It was there well before Bush II was president. The impeachment of President Clinton was an example of such animosity between the parties. They tried to get President Clinton for 7 years until they found something.
Absolutely Jarod.

IMHO that was one reason the clowntoon years were so good for the average man, the cons were too busy going after Clowntoon to screw us.
It was there well before Bush II was president. The impeachment of President Clinton was an example of such animosity between the parties. They tried to get President Clinton for 7 years until they found something.
Which was my point. I brought it all the way back to Nixon, it goes even further. The level rises and falls, but it is always there.
The party system seems to have been tighter back in the 70's...

There was growing dicontent with the parties in the 90's and the level of independents greatly rose, but that's really leveled off.
I dont know much about him, but I dont think he will have much appeal to anyone but conservative white male voters.
I dont know much about him, but I dont think he will have much appeal to anyone but conservative white male voters.
I dunno he is a movie star, and you know how we Americans live for the tube....
He does have a stern serious look about him as well, not the deer in the headlights look of Bush...
Appearance and perception seems to be everything now-a-days....
Romney seems to be getting the big cash. Kind of like Bush in 2K.

You dont think Romney's former positions on abortion, gay marriage and stem cell research will hurt him with the Repug's? Not to mention that the fundy's dont belive him to be a Christian.
The real question is , how are the pundits on the talk shows viewing Rommel er Romney ?

I figure the talking heads control about 10% of the vote.
I do wish we could get a third party going.

Getting independents in action would be almost as good, and that really seems to be happening. Although we've only had like four independent governers since the 80's, you must consider that we've only had five in history. There are no independents in the house now, however. And there is only one real independent in the senate.