Kyle Rittenhouse attempted to join the Marine Corps in January,

If the FBI were called BEFORE 1/6, WHY did 1/6 happen?????
The President and Republican Congress were traitors who, like you, broke their oaths to the Constitution.
as typical of almost all libtard hysterics, you're reacting like the proverbial bullshit meter. It's all or none with you low IQ idiots. You appear quite incapable of understanding even the most simplest of concepts and refuse to differentiate how 'arms' are qualified in basic conversations.
Refused to answer the question because he knows that it means the Insurrectionist were, indeed, armed on 1/6.

The US Marines disagree with you. Who should we believe about getting into the US Marines, some loser who clearly never served a day in his life, or the US Marines?

No, some idiot, like you, on the internet posted up shit about Rittenhouse. There is no clear reason given for his non-acceptance. However, the military does accept and reject people on the basis of who they are optionally because they want or don't want them on that basis. The US Navy took Hunter Biden as an officer because of WHO his daddy is. He'd have been rejected as too old and unqualified to a be an officer on any other basis.
I can see the Marines rejecting Rittenhouse on the basis of notoriety. He'd be a big PR problem for them. Then along comes aforementioned moron on the internet who embellishes the story with some lies and here we are.

Rittenhouse can keep applying, over and over again, for as long as he lives. He will never pass the psychological, physical, or intellectual parts. He just is not built that way.

And then there is the background check... Even before he went on a shooting spree, he threatened to go on a shooting spree for his high school. The US Marines wants marines that only shoot people when ordered, not losers who shoot people when angered.

So you claim, like other ill-informed retards on the internet. We don't know precisely and truly why he was rejected, but he was. There could be all sorts of reasons, but I put it first and foremost they simply don't want to deal with the notoriety Rittenhouse has as baggage. It's a PR disaster.

Yet another thing Gardner gets wrong. Rittenhouse was turned down in January of 2020, shortly after his 17th birthday. He went on to kill people in August of 2020. In other words, he had no public notoriety at the time of his rejection

Getting accepted early is difficult at best for any of the services. You're not 18, makes it a lot tougher. Given Rittenhouse's parents are divorced or whatever, and needing BOTH to agree to his going in, on its own probably got him rejected. Any little thing could have done it. I don't know why he was rejected, and YOU sure as hell don't either. All you have is speculation, a like other haters on the internet, you want to tar your target with a bunch of nonsense you know nothing about.

Once again, before the shooting, he had already dropped out of community college. Four year colleges do not accept people who cannot get through two year colleges.

So? If he had a community college transcript, even with just a few classes he passed, that counts as "some college" not just having a GED or HS diploma. That puts him in the 31 score category. A four-year college accepts transfers on the basis of GPA, not on the basis of completion of a two-year program. You can start the latter, transfer in to a four-year college at any point if you have the grades.
I don't know what Rittenhouse's grades are, and you sure as hell don't either. But only YOU are speculating on the worst cases, whereas I am trying to look at it reasonably. At 17 getting accepted into the military isn't easy at best, and they'll usually tell you come back once you're 18 and graduate. If Rittenhouse did do that, his notoriety would likely get him rejected simply because the military doesn't want to deal with it. That's the most likely case.
No, some idiot, like you, on the internet posted up shit about Rittenhouse. There is no clear reason given for his non-acceptance. However, the military does accept and reject people on the basis of who they are optionally because they want or don't want them on that basis. The US Navy took Hunter Biden as an officer because of WHO his daddy is. He'd have been rejected as too old and unqualified to a be an officer on any other basis.
I can see the Marines rejecting Rittenhouse on the basis of notoriety. He'd be a big PR problem for them. Then along comes aforementioned moron on the internet who embellishes the story with some lies and here we are.

So you claim, like other ill-informed retards on the internet. We don't know precisely and truly why he was rejected, but he was. There could be all sorts of reasons, but I put it first and foremost they simply don't want to deal with the notoriety Rittenhouse has as baggage. It's a PR disaster.


Getting accepted early is difficult at best for any of the services. You're not 18, makes it a lot tougher. Given Rittenhouse's parents are divorced or whatever, and needing BOTH to agree to his going in, on its own probably got him rejected. Any little thing could have done it. I don't know why he was rejected, and YOU sure as hell don't either. All you have is speculation, a like other haters on the internet, you want to tar your target with a bunch of nonsense you know nothing about.

So? If he had a community college transcript, even with just a few classes he passed, that counts as "some college" not just having a GED or HS diploma. That puts him in the 31 score category. A four-year college accepts transfers on the basis of GPA, not on the basis of completion of a two-year program. You can start the latter, transfer in to a four-year college at any point if you have the grades.
I don't know what Rittenhouse's grades are, and you sure as hell don't either. But only YOU are speculating on the worst cases, whereas I am trying to look at it reasonably. At 17 getting accepted into the military isn't easy at best, and they'll usually tell you come back once you're 18 and graduate. If Rittenhouse did do that, his notoriety would likely get him rejected simply because the military doesn't want to deal with it. That's the most likely case.

reality is like pearls before swine with these Dem pigs.
This thread is actually just celebrating how the establishment machine is now attempting to destroy minors.

Rittenhouse's age is irrelevant, Asshat.
A smelly turd is a smelly turd.
Get rid of the cretins while they're young, and you won't have to put up with them when they're older.

The "establishment machine?"

When things suck, Asshat, the primary responsibility is with the people.
The people outnumber the oligarchs and the politicians alike.
But when they need leaders, they don't choose the gifted elites who can help them.
They choose the people who best know how to talk down to them.

If they're too stupid or too timid, if they can't look at more than one thing at a time,
they're setting themselves up to be fucked over.
That's the present American story. Stupid timid people being fucked over.
Rittenhouse's age is irrelevant, Asshat.
A smelly turd is a smelly turd.
Get rid of the cretins while they're young, and you won't have to put up with them when they're older.

The "establishment machine?"

When things suck, Asshat, the primary responsibility is with the people.
The people outnumber the oligarchs and the politicians alike.
But when they need leaders, they don't choose the gifted elites who can help them.
They choose the people who best know how to talk down to them.

If they're too stupid or too timid, if they can't look at more than one thing at a time,
they're setting themselves up to be fucked over.
That's the present American story. Stupid timid people being fucked over.

the truth burns, doesn't it, liar?
Rittenhouse's age is irrelevant, Asshat.
A smelly turd is a smelly turd.
Get rid of the cretins while they're young, and you won't have to put up with them when they're older.

The "establishment machine?"

When things suck, Asshat, the primary responsibility is with the people.
The people outnumber the oligarchs and the politicians alike.
But when they need leaders, they don't choose the gifted elites who can help them.
They choose the people who best know how to talk down to them.

If they're too stupid or too timid, if they can't look at more than one thing at a time,
they're setting themselves up to be fucked over.
That's the present American story. Stupid timid people being fucked over.


trump has the solution.

tariffs and self production is all americans need.

in the greatest country on earth, all we need to do is avoid entangling alliances.


trump has the solution.

tariffs and self production is all americans need.

in the greatest country on earth, all we need to do is avoid entangling alliances.


You are sincere and believe that, Asshat.
That's why a plethora of intellectually deficient voters like yourself are in the process of destroying the republic.

America may be the richest and militarily strongest nation on earth.
I don't know for sure that this is true, but it's at least plausible.

America is FAR TOO SOCIALLY REGRESSIVE to be the "greatest nation in the world."
America would need a Draconian purge of at least 74,000,000 moral/intellectual deficient inhabitants [like yourself] to contend for that honor.
That, unfortunately, is like wishing for paradise. It's not plausible.
You are sincere and believe that, Asshat.
That's why a plethora of intellectually deficient voters like yourself are in the process of destroying the republic.

America may be the richest and militarily strongest nation on earth.
I don't know for sure that this is true, but it's at least plausible.

America is FAR TOO SOCIALLY REGRESSIVE to be the "greatest nation in the world."
America would need a Draconian purge of at least 74,000,000 moral/intellectual deficient inhabitants [like yourself] to contend for that honor.
That, unfortunately, is like wishing for paradise. It's not plausible.

the republic is constantly defended by the blood of the martyrs.

you're on team globalism.

you're a pernicious evil that hates all people and all nations.

what do you mean by socially regressive? sterilizing children, mandatory death jab?

the republic is constantly defended by the blood of the martyrs.

you're on team globalism.

you're a pernicious evil that hates all people and all nations.

what do you mean by socially regressive? sterilizing children, mandatory death jab?


And you, as you illustrate with almost every post, are an isolationist/pacifist psychotic.
RECIPROCAL tariffs is not isolationism.


and I only believe in wars that are reasonable.

Having borders is not "isolationism".

In choosing either a Democrat or a pachy candidate,
I have to know where each party officially stands on ALL of the issues.

If I supported reciprocal tariffs, and union people like myself typically have,

and if I supported more border control.
which the pachys refused to even consider on the house floor on the orders of their pigfucking orangutan god,

there are still so many more issues on which the Democrats and pachys disagree
and I'm on the Democrats' side on virtually ALL of them.

I care MUCH more about universal healthcare,
public schools,
public transportation,
stronger unions,
national regulation authority,
and women's reproductive rights

than I care about tariffs or the fucking border.

You have your issues, Asshat, and I have mine,
and thus I would never vote for a classless, barely literate, and despicable vulgarian like Trump,
for to do so would bring disgrace on my family.

I'm sure that you've never had any class, Asshat,
so you simply don't care.
In choosing either a Democrat or a pachy candidate,
I have to know where each party officially stands on ALL of the issues.

If I supported reciprocal tariffs, and union people like myself typically have,

and if I supported more border control.
which the pachys refused to even consider on the house floor on the orders of their pigfucking orangutan god,

there are still so many more issues on which the Democrats and pachys disagree
and I'm on the Democrats' side on virtually ALL of them.

I care MUCH more about universal healthcare,
public schools,
public transportation,
stronger unions,
national regulation authority,
and women's reproductive rights

than I care about tariffs or the fucking border.

You have your issues, Asshat, and I have mine,
and thus I would never vote for a classless, barely literate, and despicable vulgarian like Trump,
for to do so would bring disgrace on my family.

I'm sure that you've never had any class, Asshat,
so you simply don't care.

why do you want stronger unions?
why do you want stronger unions?

Because without them, individual workers have no leverage to negotiate with their employers.
Unrepresented workers have no protection against exploitation and abuse.

Unions, like federal agency regulations, are a limitation on corporate power.
I support both.

Also, unions support tariffs if you haven't noticed.
Because without them, individual workers have no leverage to negotiate with their employers.
Unrepresented workers have no protection against exploitation and abuse.

Unions, like federal agency regulations, are a limitation on corporate power.
I support both.

Also, unions support tariffs if you haven't noticed.

so you should support enforced borders for the same reason. To keep out the scabs.

why don't you?
he needed help in HS and never got it.

Rittenhouse needed help, and his mother bought him an assault weapon. A slight offer to help could end in extreme violence. I think the high school did the best they could under the circumstances.

I did volunteer work for a charity. There was a white, homeless Vietnam veteran who realized he was due some money from the VA. Very charming, intelligent, troubled man. I was specific warned about offering more help than they ask for, and only helped him get the money and an apartment. He was happy, and being very charming. Another volunteer also mentioned that the VA also offers free drug rehab, and that there were actually open slots available (unusual). Suddenly he had an exacto knife out and was trying to kill us.

Violent people who do not want help will become extremely violent when offered help.
notice how I SPECIFICALLY referenced WEIGHT only???

If it were just the weight, Rittenhouse might be able to work around it. Rittenhouse literally fails in every way. There is no way he would be allowed into the US Marines.

the kid couldn't pass the ASVAB

I assume that. We do not know that to be a fact, but what we know of Rittenhouse, he would fail the ASVAB. Even if he did not, having a GED means he would have to be in the upper 5% of the ASVAB. He is far more likely to be in the lowest 5%.
so you wouldn't you support enforced borders for the same reason. keep out the scabs?

I never said that I wouldn't support enforced borders.
I in fact DO support enforced borders.
I can't go to Canada without a passport anymore. Never complained about it.

I just wouldn't support devolved mutant candidates as the best way to achieve them.

A bipartisan bill was drafted that addressed the issue and the Republican House refused to even put it on the floor for debate.

From that moment on, the Republican Party became the primary obstacle to border reform.
There's no way to deny that, but Republicans won't even talk about it.
Rittenhouse needed help, and his mother bought him an assault weapon. A slight offer to help could end in extreme violence. I think the high school did the best they could under the circumstances.

I did volunteer work for a charity. There was a white, homeless Vietnam veteran who realized he was due some money from the VA. Very charming, intelligent, troubled man. I was specific warned about offering more help than they ask for, and only helped him get the money and an apartment. He was happy, and being very charming. Another volunteer also mentioned that the VA also offers free drug rehab, and that there were actually open slots available (unusual). Suddenly he had an exacto knife out and was trying to kill us.

Violent people who do not want help will become extremely violent when offered help.

So you;re anti-help because of some cherry-picked incident?

you really are just a nazi who wants to kill the useless eaters, arent' you?

very nasty. very evil.
