L America migrant money tops aid


Villified User
By Duncan Kennedy
BBC News, Mexico City

US dollar bills
Remittances could reach $100bn in four years' time
The amount of money sent home by Latin American migrant workers to their families has reached more than $62bn.

This figure now exceeds the combined total of all direct foreign investment and foreign aid to Latin America.

According to the Inter-American Investment Bank, the figure could reach $100bn in four years' time.

The biggest share of money, $23bn, was sent back to Mexico, mostly from workers living in the United States remitting small sums each month.

Foreign remittances now rank along with oil and tourism as Mexico's biggest foreign currency earner.

So it would appear that Latin American countries view our illegal immigrants as a major revenue source.....

We spoiled lazy assed americans do not have a clue...For the most part anyway.
You have no clue about economics. It's not hurting our economy for them to produce, trade what they produced for a highly tradeble item, and then take that highly tradeable item back to Mexico. In fact, it actually helps us, because it lowers consumer prices.
You have no clue about economics. It's not hurting our economy for them to produce, trade what they produced for a highly tradeble item, and then take that highly tradeable item back to Mexico. In fact, it actually helps us, because it lowers consumer prices.
And lowers wages. It also increases medical costs. Increases chance of illegal entry of those who wish to harm us. Increases gang danger. Increases entry of illegal drugs as they can actually get paid if they mule the drug on entry rather than have to pay for the entry. Increases education costs, lowers quality of education...

Boy! That lower consumer cost sure was worth it!
"And lowers wages."

You know what else lowered wages? Mass production. The consumer costs were well worth it. Fucking xenophobe.

"It also increases medical costs."

Stupid statement I won't respond to.

"Increases chance of illegal entry of those who wish to harm us."

That's what we have the patriot act for!

"Increases gang danger."

Yeah. All those filthy Mexicans should be shot, I agree. They are filth who only join gangs cuz their Mexicans.

" Increases entry of illegal drugs as they can actually get paid if they mule the drug on entry rather than have to pay for the entry."

Yeah, damn drug doing Mexicans.

Increases education costs,"

Retarded. God you're an idiot.

"lowers quality of education..."

'Cus, of course, all Mexicans are stupid.

"Boy! That lower consumer cost sure was worth it!"

How can you say it wasn't? You're argument is half assed. You pulled a bunch of random shit out of you're ass, made a bigger list than me, and that "proves" that immigrants are bad for a nation? Immigration isn't a bad thing, fucking racist.
"And lowers wages."

You know what else lowered wages? Mass production. The consumer costs were well worth it. Fucking xenophobe.

"It also increases medical costs."

Stupid statement I won't respond to.

"Increases chance of illegal entry of those who wish to harm us."

That's what we have the patriot act for!

"Increases gang danger."

Yeah. All those filthy Mexicans should be shot, I agree. They are filth who only join gangs cuz their Mexicans.

" Increases entry of illegal drugs as they can actually get paid if they mule the drug on entry rather than have to pay for the entry."

Yeah, damn drug doing Mexicans.

Increases education costs,"

Retarded. God you're an idiot.

"lowers quality of education..."

'Cus, of course, all Mexicans are stupid.

"Boy! That lower consumer cost sure was worth it!"

How can you say it wasn't? You're argument is half assed. You pulled a bunch of random shit out of you're ass, made a bigger list than me, and that "proves" that immigrants are bad for a nation? Immigration isn't a bad thing, fucking racist.
Bull, you pulled a bunch of random crap out that presented a rosy picture. They are all flowery and present a much better future for us. Except it is far more complicated than that. I presented another side to it.

Cheaper prices are not enough for the entire humanity of the issue.

You present only a rosy picture, the same one presented by Bush. You might want to think about whom you associate with when presenting your information.

Do you deny that our health costs have risen because of this very real problem? Do you deny that wages are artificially lowered by presenting an underclass that isn't supposed to be working for you? Do you deny any of this or present any argument other than "xenophobe"? Do you deny that gang violence rises with such an underclass? Do you deny that these people can and are used by gangs to mule illegal substances across the border?

What exactly are you arguing for here? Totally ignoring any problems that come along with unregulated immigration? Do you think these problems would be resolved by simply legalizing it? Or do you maybe think an uneducated workforce would still be a net drain rather than gain on the items that I presented.

You really don't give anything here other than it is good because your base price for an item is lower. That is not a real enough benefit to simply ignore immigration laws when wages are also lowered to match.

That and the simpleton stance that anybody who has any argument against illegal immigration hates a specific race.

The racist presentation is the one that assumes that all illegals come from Mexico, that when speaking of this problem you are only speaking of Mexicans.
Bull, you pulled a bunch of random crap out that presented a rosy picture. They are all flowery and present a much better future for us. Except it is far more complicated than that. I presented another side to it.

Cheaper prices are not enough for the entire humanity of the issue.

You present only a rosy picture, the same one presented by Bush. You might want to think about whom you associate with when presenting your information.

Do you deny that our health costs have risen because of this very real problem? Do you deny that wages are artificially lowered by presenting an underclass that isn't supposed to be working for you? Do you deny any of this or present any argument other than "xenophobe"? Do you deny that gang violence rises with such an underclass? Do you deny that these people can and are used by gangs to mule illegal substances across the border?

What exactly are you arguing for here? Totally ignoring any problems that come along with unregulated immigration? Do you think these problems would be resolved by simply legalizing it? Or do you maybe think an uneducated workforce would still be a net drain rather than gain on the items that I presented.

You really don't give anything here other than it is good because your base price for an item is lower. That is not a real enough benefit to simply ignore immigration laws when wages are also lowered to match.

That and the simpleton stance that anybody who has any argument against illegal immigration hates a specific race.

The racist presentation is the one that assumes that all illegals come from Mexico, that when speaking of this problem you are only speaking of Mexicans.

Would you like to have a formal debate on this issue, Damo? I am afraid I was rather tired when I wrote the above.

I would merely like to remind you that remittances from American illegals keep some 10 million latin Americans above the poverty line - and what would we gain by kicking them out where they can no longer produce due to ridiculous socialistic laws in their home country? How does putting them in a position where they cannot produce benefit America or the world? I believe it's a net negative to the world.
Oh, wait, excuse me. I meant latin American familes, not latin Americans. So that would be some 40 million people kept out of poverty simply because they come here and can get a job.
Would you like to have a formal debate on this issue, Damo? I am afraid I was rather tired when I wrote the above.

I would merely like to remind you that remittances from American illegals keep some 10 million latin Americans above the poverty line - and what would we gain by kicking them out where they can no longer produce due to ridiculous socialistic laws in their home country? How does putting them in a position where they cannot produce benefit America or the world? I believe it's a net negative to the world.
When did I say to kick them out? That in itself is a strawman. I said to close illegal entry and open the front door for them. We need to know who is coming in, they need a legal status so that they will not be taken advantage of in the ways I stated above. But heck, let's do it your way. We'll treat them like trash. They can all pile in the back of a truck, half can die on the way. It's all better your way there WM.

Or don't you actually read posts any more?
Usually whenever I hear someone talk about how wrong illegal immigration is, they are using illegal immigration as a popular front for their beliefs, while they also push their agenda of putting tighter and tighter controls on legal immigration, although they don't talk about that. Honestly, with how hard it is to get in the US, I really don't blame Mexicans for coming in illegaly.

While 56% of Americans believe illegal immigration is bad, 60% believe that the door should be open to all who wish to come. And our current "leaders" in congress don't reflect that at all.
Legal immigration is easier in the USA than in some developed nations. Try immigrating to New Zealand for instance.
Legal immigration is easier in the USA than in some developed nations. Try immigrating to New Zealand for instance.
I'm working from memory here but I believe that we restrict legal immigration from Mexico to a very low level. In other words, the demand far exceeds the supply. The result is predicatable.