L America migrant money tops aid

Bull, you pulled a bunch of random crap out that presented a rosy picture. They are all flowery and present a much better future for us. Except it is far more complicated than that. I presented another side to it.

Cheaper prices are not enough for the entire humanity of the issue.
Oh, goody! I'm going to hold you to this the next time I have to assert that an increase in "productivity" is frequently bad for the nation as a whole. :D
You present only a rosy picture, the same one presented by Bush. You might want to think about whom you associate with when presenting your information.

Do you deny that our health costs have risen because of this very real problem? Do you deny that wages are artificially lowered by presenting an underclass that isn't supposed to be working for you? Do you deny any of this or present any argument other than "xenophobe"? Do you deny that gang violence rises with such an underclass? Do you deny that these people can and are used by gangs to mule illegal substances across the border?
I don't know about Watermark but I will deny the assertion about healthcare costs. Not by any really significant amount anyway. I also find your characterization of the lowering of wages as "artificial" to be particularly ironic and amusing, you being a free-marketer and all.
Would you like to have a formal debate on this issue, Damo? I am afraid I was rather tired when I wrote the above.

I would merely like to remind you that remittances from American illegals keep some 10 million latin Americans above the poverty line - and what would we gain by kicking them out where they can no longer produce due to ridiculous socialistic laws in their home country? How does putting them in a position where they cannot produce benefit America or the world? I believe it's a net negative to the world.

I believe we should pressure the vincente fox regime to develop native business in mexico, so his people aren't FORCED into america for opportunity. But that's not what we do. We side with the drug dealers and prosecute border agents. Bush is a traitor.
You give me your foolproof plan to turn a developing Catholic wasteland into a vibrant, tolerant, developed society and I might pay more attention to that.
Oh, goody! I'm going to hold you to this the next time I have to assert that an increase in "productivity" is frequently bad for the nation as a whole. :D

I don't know about Watermark but I will deny the assertion about healthcare costs. Not by any really significant amount anyway. I also find your characterization of the lowering of wages as "artificial" to be particularly ironic and amusing, you being a free-marketer and all.

Fine, hold me to it.

And since when is a person who believes that some restrictive oversight is necessary a "free-marketer"? You are barking up the wrong tree here.

Ask Care, I made it clear how I feel about immigration as a whole long ago. I would like to close the back door that we force them through and open the front door so they can be treated as humans rather than trash.

I believe that the whole security issue is important.

As for healthcare, you don't live here where costs have risen quite a bit because of the use of the emergency care system as a free healthcare program, and the rise of costs to those who must pay that associate to it.

The idea that those who come in that can't pay must be cared for is a good one, but the cost is not simply magically gone. It is passed on. Saying it is not a significant factor when hospitals in larger cities like LA have closed specifically because of it is simply covering your ears and shouting loudly so as not to hear what might be annoyingly accurate.