It seems the cons are saying this issue is over but fact check doesnt seem to say that.
It seems no one know if she supported this practice.
I bet someone in the town does.
Fact check is the AP isnt' it? Frankly, I have seen fact check be wrong, and I don't understand this worship of them? They just made the claim that Biden was lying when he said that using his own criteria, McCain also voted "against funding the troops" when he voted against legislation containing a time line. That has been debunked several times over.
The point is that a lot of research has gone into this. I posted it for Christ sakes.
How many times do I have to type this up?
Wasilla used to cover rape kits.
The police chief who had it in the budget, was fired by Palin, because "I feel you are not supportive enough of me", her usual emoting.
The police chief then hired by Palin, cut out the practice.
Palin signed this budget herself.
A democratic legislator, finding out about Wasillas policy, drafted legislation outlawing the charging of rape victims for their rape kits.
The Governor of Alaska signed it.
Palin's own hometown newspaper, The Frontiersman, ran a story on it, including statements by her hand picked chief of police, that I have posted above, disagreeing with the law, and whining that now he'd have to "find the money" to pay for the rape kits.
But Mayor Palin knew about none of this, that is what you are telling me is even remotely believable right?
When does this stop?