Latest Liberal Democrat Tax: Bottled Water


"Cardenas noted that there’s a nearly $40 million shortfall in the city’s water and sewer funds, in part because of a decline in water usage.

“How is this possible when we have a water system that’s won honors? It’s because bottled water has become a $15 billion industry that’s growing at a rate of 20 to 30 percent a year,” he said.

But Chicagoans CBS 2 met on the street early Tuesday did not like the idea of the tax.

"Let them tax cigarettes, not water," said Chicago resident Brian Lynch.

"Ten to 20, that's crazy. It's not cigarettes or anything, it's bottled water, so that's ridiculous," added Chicago resident Lazzerick Young. "I'd probably go towards filtered water, maybe, and not do the bottled water."

"We're going to have to vote him out, because that's not good," said Justina Miles. "I buy a lot of bottled water."

"So raise the taxes on pop. Why would you want to raise it on something that's healthy?" said Dennis Hopkins. "You can give a newborn baby bottled water. It's good for you."

Just in case the lefties on here try and say the ol' "But Dano, how do you know he's a Democrat? Why it could be a Republican in that inner city Chicago seat and they hate healthy things like water!"

Sorry, yes he is a Democrat...imagine that.

Let's hope they do vote him out, if water and sewer funds are short cash because people are using less city water, then here's a novel idea, make cuts to water production because you don't need as much. Duh.
It's typical how the Liberal press covers for him by not mentioning he is a Democrat because it's something negative, he's just an "alderman". You can bet if he was a Repub, that part would be front and center.
If people want to be stupid and buy bottled water (which is usually far less healthy than even that chloinated shit out of the tap), I say, why not let them?

That's not where most of your water usage comes from, anyway.

Don't really care whether or not they tax it, honestly.
If people want to be stupid and buy bottled water (which is usually far less healthy than even that chloinated shit out of the tap), I say, why not let them?

That's not where most of your water usage comes from, anyway.

Don't really care whether or not they tax it, honestly.
Why are they stupid for buying bottled water? I store some in my vehicle and house so it's ready when I need it to go out quick or for emergencies.
Yeah whine about $3/gal gas and pay $4/gal plus for water

I wonder why their water useage is down though ? Not really down but covering for inept managemnet ?
It's typical how the Liberal press covers for him by not mentioning he is a Democrat because it's something negative, he's just an "alderman". You can bet if he was a Repub, that part would be front and center.
I know I'm gonna get alot of crap for this....

This is typical media bias in'll see it if you pay attention and look for it...if this was an R, that fact would typically be mentioned in the headline or near the beginning of the article .... if its a D might find that fact well into the article or near the end, if at all....its subtle, and its a common tactic....IMO
I know I'm gonna get alot of crap for this....

This is typical media bias in'll see it if you pay attention and look for it...if this was an R, that fact would typically be mentioned in the headline or near the beginning of the article .... if its a D might find that fact well into the article or near the end, if at all....its subtle, and its a common tactic....IMO

Dano makes this point all the time, and I have yet to see anything but his bloviating to prove it happens more often for one party than the other. Show me some sort of statistical analysis, or prepare to "get a lot of crap" for your stupid, unfounded musings.
I don't trust the water in my area. I heard there was a cancer cluster near here. I'll take my chances with the bottled stuff.
Yeah whine about $3/gal gas and pay $4/gal plus for water

I wonder why their water useage is down though ? Not really down but covering for inept managemnet ?
Where do you live where you have to pay $4 for water? except perhaps by the half-pint.
This is just an example of what people get for conserving, higher prices.

One reason I like to avoid public water and sewer. Also if there is a problem everyone suffers not just one well or one septic system.

I do have public water at home, but I also have a rainwater collection cistern.
Where do you live where you have to pay $4 for water? except perhaps by the half-pint.

Umm at .89 - $1 per pint you figure it out.
Now by the gal it is about $1.50 /gal.

My friend owns a small store. When he is busy I will run the register for him for a few minutes, I see many come in and complain about the price of gas and buy 2-3 16-20 oz bottles of water for around $1.29 each.....
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Dano makes this point all the time, and I have yet to see anything but his bloviating to prove it happens more often for one party than the other. Show me some sort of statistical analysis, or prepare to "get a lot of crap" for your stupid, unfounded musings.

statistical analysis?

Do you know what IMO means or are you a complete idiot ?
I hear this from folks just like you all the time. Until I see it in front of me, you're a moron living in a reality of your own making.

Why should I get into a pissing contest with such a little prick?

I'm tired of continually making a fool of was fun for awhile though...
Umm at .89 - $1 per pint you figure it out.
Now by the gal it is about $1.50 /gal.

My friend owns a small store. When he is busy I will run the register for him for a few minutes, I see many come in and complain about the price of gas and buy 2-3 16-20 oz bottles of water for around $1.29 each.....
yah, that's what i meant. They are buying the bottle, rather than the water.
yah, that's what i meant. They are buying the bottle, rather than the water.
They are also buying assurance that the water is clean, as well as accessibility and functionality, and ease of disposal. A big name like Coke bottling water creates more assurance as well.
They are also buying assurance that the water is clean, as well as accessibility and functionality, and ease of disposal. A big name like Coke bottling water creates more assurance as well.

Bacteria breeds like hell in that plastic bottle and the 20 days it's been in there. Your tap water is in constant motion and has few germs in it.

Either way, the likelihood that you'd get sick of off either is so infentesimile it's not worth worrying about.
Bacteria breeds like hell in that plastic bottle and the 20 days it's been in there. Your tap water is in constant motion and has few germs in it.

Either way, the likelihood that you'd get sick of off either is so infentesimile it's not worth worrying about.
Only after it has been opened. This is why you are warned never to reuse the bottles.
I imagine bacteria has a hard time breathing in the nitrogen-gas bath they fill the bottles in.

I'm sure they're sterile as they can be, and Watermark is just trying to bs a little.

... not that I waste my time buying much bottled water. I keep a MSR walter filter in my jeep to clean up river/stream water when I'm thirsty. :P