Latest Liberal Democrat Tax: Bottled Water

They are also buying assurance that the water is clean, as well as accessibility and functionality, and ease of disposal. A big name like Coke bottling water creates more assurance as well.

Ease of disposal? Hmm I seem to dispose of all my ingested water in the same manners, whether big name or not. ie urinal, sweat, etc
Yep, I have a whole house filter on my water supply.

People just love getting ripped off. Bottled water costs about the same as soda pop or more and soda pop has filtered water as well.
Plus i hate carrying the stuff in the house. I thought that was what they invented pipes and such for . I remember having to carry water in from the well...

Then those big jugs of water, I wonder how many injuries a year are attributed to moving the big jugs of water around ?
And what moron invented the dispensers that use the big jugs ? People just love spilling water I guess.
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