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I have dated a liberal woman before. I found I was able to support my girlfriend in her efforts, even when I didn't agree with her opinion. She was strong, she was fun, she was intelligent. In all of these things we were compatible. It wasn't like I was suddenly going to caucus as Democrat or something. But I found that while I disagreed with her opinion, we still had more in common than, oh... Let's say Ann Coulter and I would.

When I moved bases, we tried the long distance thing, but it didn't work. It was quite a shame.
I have dated a liberal woman before. I found I was able to support my girlfriend in her efforts, even when I didn't agree with her opinion. She was strong, she was fun, she was intelligent. In all of these things we were compatible. It wasn't like I was suddenly going to caucus as Democrat or something. But I found that while I disagreed with her opinion, we still had more in common than, oh... Let's say Ann Coulter and I would.

To each his own!

I just find that with a con woman, there is too much incompatibility with regard to core social issues and core values. And life's too short to argue with a girlfriend or life partner over crap like that. And believe me, when someone says something about cutting children's healthcare or eliminating affirmative action, I'm not going to keep my mouth shut and "support" her views. I'm going to argue! Who wants to live like that? I'd rather make love, and enjoy life. :)
If I wanted a parrot I would go to the pet store.

Not a parrot.

But, to a certain extent, I like to live my liberal values, not just talk about them. What con gal is going to join the Sierra Club with me, go to Amnesty International meetings, an anti-war vigil, or go to hippie shit like poetry readings or foreign films? None I've ever met. Even an apolitical person might like that stuff which is cool, but a hard core conservative gal? Sierra Club, ACLU, and Amnesty International to a con, is like sunlight to a vampire. Why would a con gal want to do that stuff with me?
Not a parrot.

But, to a certain extent, I like to live my liberal values, not just talk about them. What con gal is going to join the Sierra Club with me, go to Amnesty International meetings, an anti-war vigil, or go to hippie shit like poetry readings or foreign films? None I've ever met. Even an apolitical person might like that stuff which is cool, but a hard core conservative gal? Sierra Club, ACLU, and Amnesty International to a con, is like sunlight to a vampire. Why would a con gal want to do that stuff with me?
I did the things I could support myself and we did other things apart. I did not, however, attempt to silence her, or to cause her grief where we disagreed. We often had some fun discussions on many subjects, but not often arguments. On some points we agreed to disagree.

She went with me to some things she normally wouldn't do, I did to some things I wouldn't normally do.

But then I grew up with a pretty good example of this. When I was a teen my mother remarried to a man who is a democrat while she is republican. I watched them work a good healthy relationship founded on where they were similar, and relishing each other's unique differences.

That you feel that they must be with you always, or a little copy of you in those things is odd to me. I don't expect my wife to constantly be with me in all things I do that I enjoy. In fact, I know she won't be.

I am a dirt person, love to go camping. She is not. I ride motorcycles, she never learned to ride a bicycle, etc.
Yeah, James Carville and Mary Matlin. Polar opposites. It does happen. And more power to them. It's just not my bag.
your a drunk moron who is more likely to be viewed by woman as a stalker than a mate.
let's see sweet chearleader hot secs daily or loser boredom. Agh normalcy is 90 percent Osh married. You didn't help the spinsters case dahmer.

LOL. You look more pathetic than you could ever imagine Top. What happened did mommy go out last night and leave you alone?
This thread really went down hill. Some people sound so stupid and really not helping.

Just shut the fuck up already. I mean can even one thread go by without fucking comment??? Nooo. I knew this was going to be jumped on!
I did the things I could support myself and we did other things apart. I did not, however, attempt to silence her, or to cause her grief where we disagreed. We often had some fun discussions on many subjects, but not often arguments. On some points we agreed to disagree.

She went with me to some things she normally wouldn't do, I did to some things I wouldn't normally do.

But then I grew up with a pretty good example of this. When I was a teen my mother remarried to a man who is a democrat while she is republican. I watched them work a good healthy relationship founded on where they were similar, and relishing each other's unique differences.

That you feel that they must be with you always, or a little copy of you in those things is odd to me. I don't expect my wife to constantly be with me in all things I do that I enjoy. In fact, I know she won't be.

I am a dirt person, love to go camping. She is not. I ride motorcycles, she never learned to ride a bicycle, etc.

Yeah I don't expect or want any of those things, just so we are clear, because this all got muddied up with other people's nonsense and bullshit.

Everybody is different. I'm very happy. You seem like you're happy. And we can probably both agree that we're thankful to whatever Gods might be responsible that neither of us is married to Topper. Let's leave it at that.
Duhla if you start the 12 step spinster program you could meet your man and stop derailing these threads with your manhatter mentality.:clink:
Yeah I don't expect or want any of those things, just so we are clear, because this all got muddied up with other people's nonsense and bullshit.

Everybody is different. I'm very happy. You seem like you're happy. And we can probably both agree that we're thankful to whatever Gods might be responsible that neither of us is married to Topper. Let's leave it at that.
I could be wrong about the landslide, but I'm pretty certain no combination of republicans could beat them.

Hillary's lead is directly attributable to the women vote, and even though she's lost some of it to Obama, she won't lose it to a republican.

Romney/McCain could pick up someone like Hagel and give them a good run, but as you stated, they would be very tough to beat.
people don't chose to be single. Nobody wants them long term.
I have had to tens I've been married to and several 10 tennis long term lovers. Don't hate the spinster code, hate the reasons for being one.

Ok... please translate the above into English. How many times have you been married?
stop being a freaking dork trying to grade and english paper and read it like your in the 21st century communicating with someone on a hard to type on Jesus phone.:clink: