Lawsuits makes you wonder....


ser independiente
You know I am not one to talk about suing someone or some company because someting didn't go right or whatever. Although I know there are lots of people in this world that are. I know that this country has gone completly sue crazy over some of the stupidest things I have ever heard.

I got to thinking last night after my 10 year old made a comment about suing, what the hell is wrong with this country? What are our children learning?

Here's the story........We took our boy's to a Haunted house last night. While we were standing in line waiting to go in, the lady that was going to be letting us through was talking to us and telling my boy's that no one inside would touch them, so for them to please not touch the people working inside. They said ok, and we went in. We got done and returned to our car, as we started to pull away my 10 year old says: hey mom didn't they say that no one in there would touch us, and we weren't supposed to touch them. I said yes, he says well that one guy touched my arm, so I think I am going to sue them :shock: I was shocked! I was like WHAT! I am still tyring to figure out where he might have picked this up from? I supervise everything this child watches, and reads, and I do not talk about this kind of thing at all. I really did not get to discuss it with him anymore last night becasue it was getting late, however I will be discussing it with him tonight.
He's 10? He got that from friends at school. They probably make that joke 10 times a day or more.
The thing is and here is where urban myth often collides with reality. The laws in our country are already such that your son would not go very far with such a lawsuit. You see in order to win a lawsuit a necessary element is damages, from a simple touching it would be extreemly rare to have any real damages thus the lawsuit would FAIL.

Now clearly they were wrong to touch your kid when they said they would not, but damages are required so the PROBLEM is fixed before it starts.
The liberal media... How many judge and lawyer shows on daily ?
Who has made lawsuits a political issue ?
That is my thoughts. They are busy deregulating industry and making limits on awards and even in some cases making private industry exempt from lawsuits.
The corpies get a darned good return on their bribery err campaign donations and such.
And we also have them spouting judicial activism rhetoric for not getting their way.
Libertarians. They believe that you should educate and protect yourself.
This is a nice concept, but not workable in all cases.
How to choose a DR ? I am sure all the Dr's have all their medical statistics on success vs failure, medical malpractice lawsuits, etc posted.
And many times we have no choice, we have to purchaces certain services and products from one vendor.
Libertarians. They believe that you should educate and protect yourself.

What a stupid comment. So libiarians think people should not be responsable for there own careless actions? Only the victim should pay because he did not "educate or protect himself?"

So I should be allowed to go around being as careless as I want and not have to pay for the consiquences?
That does sound like a Rob drinking and driving statement Alex.
Just leave the drunk drivers alone and make the innocent drivers worry/pay.
What a stupid comment. So libiarians think people should not be responsable for there own careless actions? Only the victim should pay because he did not "educate or protect himself?"

So I should be allowed to go around being as careless as I want and not have to pay for the consiquences?
It's not a 'stupid' comment. It was accurate. The question was "which group works harder toward..." I simply answered.

There are many libertarians who feel that way. It is a "let the buyer beware" attitude. There are equally many who believe that direct victimization of people who are effected by the pyramid is reason enough to prosecute those who put the scheme forward.

This was a limited and short answer to a more complex issue. The question was designed to make it easy to denigrate whatever group one would put as an answer.
So are you saying that according to a libertarian if I accidently run a stop sign the guy I hit should not be able to sue me because he should have been more carefull and educated himself...

Damm, no wonder youve been so easily duped by Bush.
So are you saying that according to a libertarian if I accidently run a stop sign the guy I hit should not be able to sue me because he should have been more carefull and educated himself...

Damm, no wonder youve been so easily duped by Bush.
I am not saying that... This is a logical fallacy. Those who run stop signs create direct victims laws are made for exactly such cases. Just as earlier I mentioned that many libertarians see direct victims in the pyramid scheme. You are being deliberately disingenuous if you think that was what I said.
It is the extreem of what you said, if you draw it out to its couclusion.

Its akin to saying that Kerry ment to call the troops stupid.
It isn't even close to the "extreme" of what I said. I spoke of direct victimization, you play on stop signs? It is deliberately disingenuous. You ignore what I actually say to pretend to understand what I mean.
It isn't even close to the "extreme" of what I said. I spoke of direct victimization, you play on stop signs? It is deliberately disingenuous. You ignore what I actually say to pretend to understand what I mean.

Just like Bush did to Kerry!