Le Tour

Mostly the French get hacked when people ignore their contributions to our history. While it's become a habit for them to believe we're all ignorant of that history, and that is hardly fair, they are rarely wrong when they make the assumption.
I agree with you whole heartedly. I've studied a lot about our frontier history and the French influence on our history has been huge. Much of the interior of our nation was explored and, in some cases settled, by the French long before the English speaking people came along.
Hey I've met some insufferable French assholes in my time but I've met many more assholes from New York City. I've also knowns some very nice French people and I have a number of colleagues I work with who are French or French Canadian and there very nice people.

I think it fucks with your average rednecks head that anyone in the world who doesn't speak English with a southern accent could possibly be as proud of their culture as they are of their trailor parks. That's their real basis for resenting the French.

I've been to France quite a bit and, yes, it is true. The French are just like everybody else - some nice and some absolute bastards. The people of Paris do have that reputation for looking down their nose at foreigners and revelling in rudeness, but then again they treat French visitors that way as well and, anyway, we think the same thing of Londoners.

Just like here, once you get to the smaller cities and towns people do odd things like smile, say "Hello" but in foreign, and are quite nice and that.
I've been to France quite a bit and, yes, it is true. The French are just like everybody else - some nice and some absolute bastards. The people of Paris do have that reputation for looking down their nose at foreigners and revelling in rudeness, but then again they treat French visitors that way as well and, anyway, we think the same thing of Londoners.

Just like here, once you get to the smaller cities and towns people do odd things like smile, say "Hello" but in foreign, and are quite nice and that.
Same in New York City. Being a rude asshole is pretty much part of the culture there. I mean, to put the shoe on the other foot, I'd hate to have my country judged by some snooty rude New Yorker or some xenophobic rural redneck.

My wife and brother both work in the Hotel business and deal with lots of foreign travellors. Oddly enough they rate Americans as the best tourist. Why? Well we certainly have our short commings when traveling. We tend to be loud, phony and, at times, completely clueless of our surroundings. On the upside, were very generous tippers and that tends to mitigate our short commings. You can get a pass on a lot of asinine behavior with a generous tip! :)

The tourist my wife likes the least are;

Indians - Rude and cheap and tend to have poor hygiene.
Chinese - Clueless and cheap
French - Rude and cheap
Brits - Sorry Charver. She says the Brits are friendly enough but that you cheap bastards can squeeze a farthing till it screams.
Arabs - Incredibly arrogant towards women. She's had several refuse to talk to her about business cause she was a woman. Wanted to speak to her boss then got even more pissed cause her boss was a woman too.

Tourist she likes the most are;

Japanese - Very polite and decent tippers.
Americans - obnoxious but very generous tippers.
Italians & Spaniards - They're cheap but she loves their stylishness and their charm.
Brazillians - She thinks they're hot.....I tend to agree.
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Mott can't believe you are cracking on lance like that. You must have been on Lomand's nuts for so long.
Nothing beats 7 in a row and nothing ever will.
Lamond is a pussy, I know he is bitter and has had bad luck. Shit his bro in law shot him in the back for christ sakes.
Mott can't believe you are cracking on lance like that. You must have been on Lomand's nuts for so long.
Nothing beats 7 in a row and nothing ever will.
Lamond is a pussy, I know he is bitter and has had bad luck. Shit his bro in law shot him in the back for christ sakes.
You're nuts. LeMond in his prime was both a better climber and a better time trialist then Lance. Over the length of their careers Armstrong has had the better career but Armstrong is not in the same league as Eddie Mercx, Bernard Hinault, Fausto Copi or Jaque Anquitel. If Contador continues to race in the other grand tours he could eclipse Armstrong too. He's winning at an impressive rate for being only 27. To put that in perspective Armstrong won his first TDF at 27. Contador by comparison had all ready won 4 grand tours before turning 27. If Contador wins both the TdF and the Vuelta this year he'll have won 6 grand tours to Armstrongs 1 at the same age and he's just entering his peak years for a cyclist. (25 to 33).

If you were to rate riders by the number of UCI division 1 races/stages they've won Merkx is by far the best followed by Hinault. I don't think Armstrong would crack the top 10. A result of his focusing on the TdF to the exclusion of the other big races.
Dude, flat winning 7 in a row proves that Lance outperformed him by every measure that counts.

That's like saying that two Superbowls in a row mean that a team sucked worse than Cleveland because they had better practice sessions.
Dude, flat winning 7 in a row proves that Lance outperformed him by every measure that counts.

That's like saying that two Superbowls in a row mean that a team sucked worse than Cleveland because they had better practice sessions.
Against LeMond? I agree. I said Armstrong has had a better career. I'll also stand by what I said. In his prime LeMond was a more talented sprinter, climber and time trialist then Lance. In fact LeMond still holds the TDF time trial record.

As for the others. You've got to be kidding me! Are you actually comparing Lance Armstrong to Eddie Merkx or Bernard Hinault?
you were pumping lemond over Lance, and already calling Contador above lance show's your gaylord hatred of lance.

Damo is right, find another gaylord to discuss other races. The tour is the superbowl, straight people don't care about the gay races.
What? Were do you come up with this rediculous shit 3D? Did you study history under Dixie? Have you ever been to France or known a Frenchman/woman?

Anyways, yes. The French are very open minded about foriegners coming to their country and winning the worlds biggest annual sporting event. The fact that LeTour is the worlds biggest annual sporting event in the world speaks volumes about the French attitude about sport. They want to see the best atheletes in the world compete and may the best man win.

Sounds to me that you have sour grapes because no US professional sporting event has that level of international prestige. Well, the Indy 500 does and it's fading. The Superbowl is really only popular in North America so Maybe the NBA finals....and that's about it.

1) You are aware that the American colonists hated the French, correct?
2) I'd say the size of LeTour reflects less upon the committment of the French to sports as it says something about the world who follows it in such large numbers. WTF world?
1) You are aware that the American colonists hated the French, correct?
2) I'd say the size of LeTour reflects less upon the committment of the French to sports as it says something about the world who follows it in such large numbers. WTF world?
Dude, have you ever studied the Frontier history of North America? I mean you're making a gross generalization that is silly in the extreme and wrong. Until the 1750's the French had colonized a vastly larger portion of North America then the British had. They could not have done that had "The American Colonist" hated them.
you were pumping lemond over Lance, and already calling Contador above lance show's your gaylord hatred of lance.

Damo is right, find another gaylord to discuss other races. The tour is the superbowl, straight people don't care about the gay races.
Dude, chill out, have a toke. I don't hate Lance. I'm a big fan and he's the most dominant rider of the last 15 years.

I didn't say Contador had out stripped Lance. I said he was on pace too. That's a fact. I'm also not pumping Lance over Lemond. Lance has been able to sustain a level of fitness over a period and length of time that LeMond was not able to sustain. One could also argue that Lance was a better strategist then LeMond who won primarily on talent. What I said about LeMond is factually correct.

In his prime and at his best LeMond could climb, sprint and time trial better then Lance could at his best.

BTW, Le Tour may be the Super Bowl of cycling but to discount The Vuelta and The Giro or the classics like Paris Robaix or Liege-Bastogne-Liege or Milan San Remo is pretty arrogant.

To use an anology. Saying Armstrong is better then Merkx and even Armstrong would laugh at you for saying that. No one knowledgeable in cycling thinks that. It would be like saying Jimmie Johnson is a better race car driver than AJ Foyt cause he won Daytona more then AJ did.
Dude, have you ever studied the Frontier history of North America? I mean you're making a gross generalization that is silly in the extreme and wrong. Until the 1750's the French had colonized a vastly larger portion of North America then the British had. They could not have done that had "The American Colonist" hated them.

The American colonists (and I obvious mean of the British North American colonies) had faught against the French in more than one war, FYI. King William's War, Queen Anne's War, and King George's War. Puritan ministers constantly denounced all of France as heathen and so did the charismatic preachers throughout the colonies. Americans hated the French most of all for their alliances with Indians, whom the colonists viewed with dread and horror (particularly for incidents such as King Philip's War).
The American colonists (and I obvious mean of the British North American colonies) had faught against the French in more than one war, FYI. King William's War, Queen Anne's War, and King George's War. Puritan ministers constantly denounced all of France as heathen and so did the charismatic preachers throughout the colonies. Americans hated the French most of all for their alliances with Indians, whom the colonists viewed with dread and horror (particularly for incidents such as King Philip's War).
Really so why was it prior to 1750 more of North America had been controlled and colonized by the French then British Colonist? Why did the American colonist ally themselves with the French during the Revolutionary war if the colonist hated them? Please explain away these contradictions. By limiting your scope to just "The British Colonies" shows you understand neither our colonial or frontier histories.
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Really so why was it prior to 1750 more of North America had been controlled and colonized by the French then British Colonist? Why did the American colonist ally themselves with the French during the Revolutionary war if the colonist hated them? Please explain away these contradictions. By limiting your scope to just "The British Colonies" shows you understand neither our colonial or frontier histories.

12 of the 13 colonies were originally settled by the Brits (English and Scots-Irish), with the Dutch settling New Amsterdam/York.

The French did not settle ANYWHERE IN THE 13 COLONIES. They colonized in Canada, which became heavily Anglicized when a flood of Loyalists went there during and after the American Revolution. The French claimed Louisianna Terr., but barely settled any of it, beyond Nawlins, except the trappers who operated into the interior and into the Pacific NW and did business for Hudson's Bay.

Finally, we sided with the French during the Revolution for the same reason we sided with the USSR during WWII - we wanted to win. The alliance with French created the first pro-French ferver in history, but after the war, we basically dumped them, pissed them off by refusing to support them against the British, faught them in the Quasi War, got pissed off at them for the XYZ Affair, and went back to hating them again, once the French Revolution proved to be a disturbing failure.

As you can see, a lot of people had an axe to grind.
12 of the 13 colonies were originally settled by the Brits (English and Scots-Irish), with the Dutch settling New Amsterdam/York.

The French did not settle ANYWHERE IN THE 13 COLONIES. They colonized in Canada, which became heavily Anglicized when a flood of Loyalists went there during and after the American Revolution. The French claimed Louisianna Terr., but barely settled any of it, beyond Nawlins, except the trappers who operated into the interior and into the Pacific NW and did business for Hudson's Bay.

Finally, we sided with the French during the Revolution for the same reason we sided with the USSR during WWII - we wanted to win. The alliance with French created the first pro-French ferver in history, but after the war, we basically dumped them, pissed them off by refusing to support them against the British, faught them in the Quasi War, got pissed off at them for the XYZ Affair, and went back to hating them again, once the French Revolution proved to be a disturbing failure.

As you can see, a lot of people had an axe to grind.
Dude, you need to quite taking history lessons from Dixie and go to the original sources. I'd suggest you go and read the flack Adams took for supporting the British against the French during the French revolution and the shit he took from the American public and his fellow revolutionaries and then come back and tell me how much we hated the French. I'd also suggest you look into the frontier history of the NW Territory and the Mississippi River and Ohio River Valley's and the substantial influence the French had there.
Dude, you need to quite taking history lessons from Dixie and go to the original sources. I'd suggest you go and read the flack Adams took for supporting the British against the French during the French revolution and the shit he took from the American public and his fellow revolutionaries and then come back and tell me how much we hated the French. I'd also suggest you look into the frontier history of the NW Territory and the Mississippi River and Ohio River Valley's and the substantial influence the French had there.

1) None of those areas were part of the 13 colonies, you fucking retard. After 1763, Americans were forbidded to go into those territories, and even then, they had barely penetrated them. Washington surveyed the Ohio territory for the very first time during the French and Indian War.

2) Yes, Adams drew flack, AFTER, NOT BEFORE, the Revolutionary War. God dammit, this is stupid. You're not even making an argument, you're just saying stupid things to force me to post, because you know I can't resist commenting on American history. Go gay around in another topic, Moot!!
Well this, from a competition stand point, has been one of the most boring tours ever. The lack of attacks by the leading contendors who've only gone for small leads and then consolidated them has made this one of the most boring tours ever. Maybe they need to take the radios away from the teams so that the cyclist quit riding so conservatively. Schleck tried attacking today when it was to late and contador just rode on his wheel. Since Schleck is a so-so time trialist the GC race is pretty much over. Contador has won again.....yawn. This would have been his 4th in a row had not Astana been banned two years ago.
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Yeah, it's sad lance is now toast. And with no American GC favorite the US sports fan has a collective yawn. I bet versus ratings are dog shit.
I love the race but can't stand contador and agree it's a snooze fest right now.
Yeah, it's sad lance is now toast. And with no American GC favorite the US sports fan has a collective yawn. I bet versus ratings are dog shit.
I love the race but can't stand contador and agree it's a snooze fest right now.
The problem is, there's no one in Contadors class as a GC contendor. Schleck is a hell of a climber but he's not much of a sprinter or a time trialist. I mean Lance always had Ullrich breathing down his neck and you knew that Inudrain couldn't climb with Virenque or Pantani so it was always up for grabs until he'd crush them in the final time trial and LeMond perpetually rode for very weak teams or actually had to compete against his own team so he was always out there on his own it seemed. All that made for a lot of drama and interest. But this shit of putting a supper team together, have the leader go out and get a small lead and then ride on everyone else wheel get's old.

Well eventually someones gotta step up to the plate.
The problem is, there's no one in Contadors class as a GC contendor. Schleck is a hell of a climber but he's not much of a sprinter or a time trialist. I mean Lance always had Ullrich breathing down his neck and you knew that Inudrain couldn't climb with Virenque or Pantani so it was always up for grabs until he'd crush them in the final time trial and LeMond perpetually rode for very weak teams or actually had to compete against his own team so he was always out there on his own it seemed. All that made for a lot of drama and interest. But this shit of putting a supper team together, have the leader go out and get a small lead and then ride on everyone else wheel get's old.

Well eventually someones gotta step up to the plate.

I agree it really has been disappointing this year.

Maybe things would have worked out differently if Schleck senior hadn't crashed out early on. We haven't seen those coordinated attacks this year as nobody outside Andy Schleck and Contador have had the legs to keep up. I don't think the organisers anticipated so many crashes in the early stages taking such a toll on the extremely mountainous route this year either.

At least we've still got Cav in the sprints. Could be on again for his fourth stage win today.