Leaked Alex Jones 2019 video "God, I'm so fucking sick of Trump!!!"

QED of leftist "adults" having the maturity of a young defiant bratty child.

Taka a good look before you talk about someone else, bitch....


Because you've got no room to talk.
Jones said in court he is an actor playing a role. That means nothing to rightys. It is still gospel to them. The righty leaders have been playing the followers for suckers to benefit the top 1 percent, and the rightys will never figure it out. It's those minorities and poor people taking your super-duper hard-earned money. The wealthy are your friends.

Very true. I strongly believe that if #TRE45ON hadn't had that ridiculous Apprentice game show, that he wouldn't have won in 2016. The marks really believe that he IS a "great businessman." :rolleyes: