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Learn why MOST Trump haters CAN'T POSSIBLY BE loyal Americans
Loyal Americans, by definition, LOVE their country and want only the best for America.
When Pres. Reagan was shot, we got a lesson in how loyal American Democrats looked, sounded and acted.
"Today, Mr. President, we are all Republicans".
When their beloved country's leader was imperiled, their thoughts were to do what was BEST FOR AMERICA.
But ever since Trump took office the disloyal Democrats have, without exception, done what they could to hurt Trump despite his record setting number of accomplishments and efforts to Make America Great Again.
Whenever he was in trouble, the Democrats only added to the difficulties he faced, and that was when they weren't inventing new difficulties to destroy him.
If your parent, child or spouse was undergoing life or death surgery and you did to the surgeon trying to save your loved one's life what Dems have continuously done to Trump, if would be clear to all that you wanted the surgeon to fail.
The Democrats are in league with our nation's enemies and they prove they are not loyal Americans.
And we should no longer pretend they are our fellow countrymen, but our enemies who have gained access to the controls of our government.
Democrats can't POSSIBLY be loyal Americans because they have sent us to the brink of civil war with their hostility and hatred of Trump just so they can avoid prison for their many crimes against America and because they have helped allow Communism to be eased into our government through trickery and illegal means.
Loyal Americans, by definition, LOVE their country and want only the best for America.
When Pres. Reagan was shot, we got a lesson in how loyal American Democrats looked, sounded and acted.
The chief of thoracic surgery, Benjamin L. Aaron, decided to perform a thoracotomy lasting 105 minutes[48][48] because the bleeding persisted. Ultimately, Reagan lost over half of his blood volume in the emergency department and during surgery,[44] which removed the bullet.[35] In the operating room, Reagan removed his oxygen mask to joke, "I hope you are all Republicans". The doctors and nurses laughed, and Giordano, a Democrat, replied, "Today, Mr. President, we are all Republicans".[14]:147[50][18] Reagan's post-operative course was complicated by fever, which was treated with multiple antibiotics.[44] His entering the operating room conscious and not in shock, and the surgery being routine, caused Reagan's doctors and others to predict that he would be able to leave the hospital in two weeks, return to work at the Oval Office in a month, and completely heal in six to eight weeks with no long-term effects.[48]
"Today, Mr. President, we are all Republicans".
When their beloved country's leader was imperiled, their thoughts were to do what was BEST FOR AMERICA.
But ever since Trump took office the disloyal Democrats have, without exception, done what they could to hurt Trump despite his record setting number of accomplishments and efforts to Make America Great Again.
Whenever he was in trouble, the Democrats only added to the difficulties he faced, and that was when they weren't inventing new difficulties to destroy him.
If your parent, child or spouse was undergoing life or death surgery and you did to the surgeon trying to save your loved one's life what Dems have continuously done to Trump, if would be clear to all that you wanted the surgeon to fail.
The Democrats are in league with our nation's enemies and they prove they are not loyal Americans.
And we should no longer pretend they are our fellow countrymen, but our enemies who have gained access to the controls of our government.
Democrats can't POSSIBLY be loyal Americans because they have sent us to the brink of civil war with their hostility and hatred of Trump just so they can avoid prison for their many crimes against America and because they have helped allow Communism to be eased into our government through trickery and illegal means.