Learn why MOST Trump haters CAN'T POSSIBLY BE loyal Americans

All that Crazy Trump cares about is Trump, and Trump has got no problem using people, and then discarding them once he gets what he wants.

Watch President Trump's farewell speech from White House
Jan 19, 2021

17:07 - 17:40

as i think back on
the past four years
one image rises in my mind above all
whenever i traveled all along the
motorcade route
there were thousands and thousands of
people they came out with their families
so that they could stand as we passed
and proudly wave our great american flag
it never failed to deeply move me i knew
that they did not just come out to show
their support of me
they came out to show me their support
and love
for our country

The Video That Made Me Love Trump
Watch President Trump's farewell speech from White House
Jan 19, 2021

17:07 - 17:40

as i think back on
the past four years
one image rises in my mind above all
whenever i traveled all along the
motorcade route
there were thousands and thousands of
people they came out with their families
so that they could stand as we passed
and proudly wave our great american flag
it never failed to deeply move me i knew
that they did not just come out to show
their support of me
they came out to show me their support
and love
for our country

The Video That Made Me Love Trump

You sure are a sucker for a conman, aren't you.