Lefitsts Still Wrong About Star Wars


I actually am in favour of calling it Star Wars, so as to hold the left to its failed stance on SDI, just as I insist on using Douchebag Donald's insults toward his opponents, in order to force his minions to own his childishness. The linked article on the defense industry's progress on lasers is worth having a look at.

Of course the MIC is having orgasms over this, even more money to develop a hugely expensive white elephant.

Sent from my iPhone 25 GT Turbo
Is there not an active ABM program now?
How would lasers work better?
Would lasers work at all?

Time will tell. At least we can now shoot down an ICBM with current technology. Also, the ABM program was never dismantled; Clinton simply changed the name away from SDI in hopes of muting Reagan's gloury.
Of course the MIC is having orgasms over this, even more money to develop a hugely expensive white elephant.

Sent from my iPhone 25 GT Turbo

Making money off of useful stuff is much more noble than simply being a con-artist (and say, running a bogus real estate university).
Time will tell. At least we can now shoot down an ICBM with current technology. Also, the ABM program was never dismantled; Clinton simply changed the name away from SDI in hopes of muting Reagan's gloury.

So no lasers, just anti-missile missiles that work...
Couldn't light based weaponry be overcome by simply using reflective surfaces on the offensive missiles?
Wasn't that the elephant in the room when Bonzo was pushing his "Star Wars"?
So no lasers, just anti-missile missiles that work...
Couldn't light based weaponry be overcome by simply using reflective surfaces on the offensive missiles?
Wasn't that the elephant in the room when Bonzo was pushing his "Star Wars"?

I don't think it works that way. The substance of a "laser" is more than simply pure beams of light, although, it became very trendy in Star Wars novels to reflect laser bolts using mirrors.
By "reflective surfaces" I didn't mean just mirrors.

A mirror is a reflective surface. I don't really think it needs much more of an explanation than that. I think the mirror gimmick is a weak concept, otherwise troops in land battles would be wearing reflective armour that would render laser bolts useless...
A mirror is a reflective surface. I don't really think it needs much more of an explanation than that. I think the mirror gimmick is a weak concept, otherwise troops in land battles would be wearing reflective armour that would render laser bolts useless...
Any EMF beam can be redirected by an appropriate reflective surface.
How do you suppose most DEWs are "aimed" and directed so quickly?
If not absorbed by the target, any directed-energy weapon is harmlessly re-directed.
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Any EMF beam can be redirected by an appropriate reflective surface.
How do you suppose most DEWs are "aimed" and directed so quickly?
If not absorbed by the target, any directed-energy weapon is harmlessly re-directed.

Well, a lot of our enemies (like the commies in NK) are pretty self-absorbed.
Well, a lot of our enemies (like the commies in NK) are pretty self-absorbed.

