Left and Right

If they gave me enough to make a living I'd go ahead and hump for whoever wanted, unless it was truly gross like the Hatless Dogs Association or something. They'd have to find one of those weirdos who let their dogs run around without hats and stuff.
You sir are a deeply disturbed individual.
I'm with Damo, find me someone to pay me to say whatever I believe on that series of tubes called the internets and I will gladly take the paycheck.
Let's just get this straight, Mott.

You'll do anything for $20?

(Before you answer, bear in mind that there are virgins on the board who have access to motor vehicles and a map)
If they can't even figure out how to get laid, what makes you think they can read a map?
Let's just get this straight, Mott.

You'll do anything for $20?

(Before you answer, bear in mind that there are virgins on the board who have access to motor vehicles and a map)
I didn't say I would do anything for $20. I said I'd change my opinion for $20. Keep in mind that "cheap" is a relative term and I do work on a sliding scale (no pun intended).
If they can't even figure out how to get laid, what makes you think they can read a map?

By the way. Everyone knows I'm actually the best debater. It's just that so many here have had their egos totally reduced to nothing by the power of my intellect that they begin "splitting" and engaging in irrational devaluation to protect their tiny selves. You're a safe non threatening choice.
By the way. Everyone knows I'm actually the best debater. It's just that so many here have had their egos totally reduced to nothing by the power of my intellect that they begin "splitting" and engaging in irrational devaluation to protect their tiny selves. You're a safe non threatening choice.
Well last I heard there were a number of categories that you were leading in that Grind decided not to give an award for.

Best Example of the long term damange of Prozac Award - Asshat.

Most Dangerous Person With a Plastic Spoon Award - Asshat

Best Pudding Eater Award - Asshat

Now it's my understanding it was close race between you and Dixie for the Prozac and Pudding Award but you were the clear leader of the Plastic Spoon Award.