Left Hypocricy and the Courts


Where's the hypcrisy you say?

On one hand they cry and wail over the number of prisoners that they say have been wrongly convicted, due to racism and errors by Judges, the Police, witnesses, Prosecuters, etc
But then they do nothing but demand that Zimmerman be convicted, of something, or else it's racism and there will be "consequences".

Of course in this case, without knowing all the evidence or facts, they have decided that they are absolutely correct in their decision.
I hope he never sees the light of day. Whenever I feel sad, I'll think of him rotting away, and it will brighten my day. When he dies, I'll piss on his grave.
I enjoy thinking of Zimmerman burning in hell, where he belongs. Some people deserve to die. It's too bad he won't get the death penalty. They should execute him and put it on pay per view, I'd sure as hell watch it. That's a years worth of entertainment. But I'll have to content myself with him suffering for his evil in prison, for being a piece of shit worthless human being, being cleansed from the body politic like the worthless garbage he is, human asspaper.
Zimmerman is an evil piece of human garbage, anyone who doesn't enjoy watching him suffer hates justice. We should just skip the trial, take him out back, and pump a bullet into his worthless brain. Don't waste the taxpayers money giving a trial to this worthless piece of garbage, don't waste it locking him up, dispose of the worthless human garbage that is Zimmerman.
Where's the hypcrisy you say?

On one hand they cry and wail over the number of prisoners that they say have been wrongly convicted, due to racism and errors by Judges, the Police, witnesses, Prosecuters, etc
But then they do nothing but demand that Zimmerman be convicted, of something, or else it's racism and there will be "consequences".

Of course in this case, without knowing all the evidence or facts, they have decided that they are absolutely correct in their decision.

In this case, there is no doubt that Zimmerman killed Martin.

The question is self-defense or not.

Racism here is - if Zimmerman had been black and Martin had been white, no one would be defending Zimmerman. It's because Martin is black that Zimmerman has so many defenders who ALSO don't know all the evidence or facts.
Where's the hypcrisy you say?

On one hand they cry and wail over the number of prisoners that they say have been wrongly convicted, due to racism and errors by Judges, the Police, witnesses, Prosecuters, etc
But then they do nothing but demand that Zimmerman be convicted, of something, or else it's racism and there will be "consequences".

Of course in this case, without knowing all the evidence or facts, they have decided that they are absolutely correct in their decision.

What causes the American right to make up all the 'facts' it chooses to discuss?
Where's the hypcrisy you say?

On one hand they cry and wail over the number of prisoners that they say have been wrongly convicted, due to racism and errors by Judges, the Police, witnesses, Prosecuters, etc
But then they do nothing but demand that Zimmerman be convicted, of something, or else it's racism and there will be "consequences".

Of course in this case, without knowing all the evidence or facts, they have decided that they are absolutely correct in their decision.
That's a bullshit strawman. Zimmerman took the law into his own hand and as a result a young man lost his life. Then Mr. Zimmerman wasn't even held accountable to the rule of law.

What is it about the fact that Mr. Zimmerman is being held accountable by facing a jury of his peers in a trial that you can't deal with?
In this case, there is no doubt that Zimmerman killed Martin.

The question is self-defense or not.

Racism here is - if Zimmerman had been black and Martin had been white, no one would be defending Zimmerman. It's because Martin is black that Zimmerman has so many defenders who ALSO don't know all the evidence or facts.
pure assumption on your part. I have defended non whites in cases of self defense before and I will continue to do so in the future if it is self defense.
That's a bullshit strawman. Zimmerman took the law into his own hand and as a result a young man lost his life. Then Mr. Zimmerman wasn't even held accountable to the rule of law.

What is it about the fact that Mr. Zimmerman is being held accountable by facing a jury of his peers in a trial that you can't deal with?

how is disregarding a persons right to self preservation being held accountable?
how is disregarding a persons right to self preservation being held accountable?
Again, another strawman. You are stating that Mr. Zimmerman self preservation was at stake and that is not an established fact. That is what jury's and trials are for. To establish the facts of the case and to adjudicate accordingly.

If Mr. Zimmerman was determined to have been protecting his right to self preservation by a jury of his peers he should be aquited.

If conversly they find that Mr. Zimmerman was not protecting his right to self preservation and that he was in fact the aggressor than he should be found guilty and the fact that he had profiled Mr. Martin and took the law into his own hands should be mitigating factors in determining how harsh his punishment should be.

In no way by brining Mr. Zimmerman to account for his actions has his right to self preservation been denied though it is indisputable that Mr. Martins right to self preservation was denied by Mr Zimmerman. What the court is trying to determine is "was Mr. Zimmerman justified in denying Mr. Martin his right to self preservation?"

That is why Mr. Zimmerman needs to face due process of law. No man should be able to take the law into their own hands, take a life and not expect legal consequences. We live in this nation by the rule of law and not the rule of the sword (gun).
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Again, another strawman. You are stating that Mr. Zimmerman self preservation was at stake and that is not an established fact. That is what jury's and trials are for. To establish the facts of the case and to adjudicate accordingly.

If Mr. Zimmerman was determined to have been protecting his right to self preservation by a jury of his peers he should be aquited.

If conversly they find that Mr. Zimmerman was not protecting his right to self preservation and that he was in fact the aggressor than he should be found guilty and the fact that he had profiled Mr. Martin and took the law into his own hands should be mitigating factors in determining how harsh his punishment should be.

In no way by brining Mr. Zimmerman to account for his actions has his right to self preservation been denied though it is indisputable that Mr. Martins right to self preservation was denied by Mr Zimmerman. What the court is trying to determine is "was Mr. Zimmerman justified in denying Mr. Martin his right to self preservation?"

That is why Mr. Zimmerman needs to face due process of law. No man should be able to take the law into their own hands, take a life and not expect legal consequences. We live in this nation by the rule of law and not the rule of the sword (gun).

Great post Mott.

I am just concerned that if he's convicted we are going to have to put Grind on suicide watch.
Great post Mott.

I am just concerned that if he's convicted we are going to have to put Grind on suicide watch.

He's fragile right now...very fragile. He was close to a breakdown in the traitor Snowdon thread, a Zimmy conviction could send him into a 007 state of mind.
He's fragile right now...very fragile. He was close to a breakdown in the traitor Snowdon thread, a Zimmy conviction could send him into a 007 state of mind.
Grind? Fragile? They only thing I know of that would make Grind break down is if he found out Ted Williams was gay.

Grinds also a sadistic little prick. Knowing one is dead and the other going to prison would probably only make him happy.
Again, another strawman. You are stating that Mr. Zimmerman self preservation was at stake and that is not an established fact. That is what jury's and trials are for. To establish the facts of the case and to adjudicate accordingly.
this would only be a strawman if 12 people on a jury could all have the same 'reasonable' idea of what constitutes self defense. since they don't, the claim of self defense MUST be accepted unless facts can be proven otherwise by law enforcement investigations.