Left Hypocricy and the Courts

I don't know what you intend with the first sentence.

Zimmerman and his lawyers chose not to pursue a stand your ground defense. Public outrage or none, that was their decision and choice.

the timeline of events that unfolded had zimmerman claiming self defense from the onset. that his lawyers have decided not to pursue that line at this time is irrelevant to my post.
There wouldn't be any doubt as to Zimmerman's guilt if Zimmerman were black and Trayvon caucasian.

You're correct; because the left would be screaming his innocence from the rafters,proclaiming that an investigation was nothing more then a witch hunt, and claiming that anyone claiming anything different is because they are racist.

Thanks for pointing that out. :)
Left Hypocricy and the Courts

Proof that most on the right are retarded and failed elementary English.
Left Hypocricy and the Courts

Proof that most on the right are retarded and failed elementary English.

Proof that Poet is just a whiney little hall monitor, who more then likely got his ass kicked all the way from 1st to 12th grade. :)
Great post Mott.

I am just concerned that if he's convicted we are going to have to put Grind on suicide watch.

nah the trial is different than other things. Legislation etc has a direct effect on me, this trial does not, apart from being able to dance around and gloat. I wont have a breakdown.
That is why Mr. Zimmerman needs to face due process of law. No man should be able to take the law into their own hands, take a life and not expect legal consequences. We live in this nation by the rule of law and not the rule of the sword (gun).

so it is your contention then that anyone that protects themselves in self defense must be charged with murder?

If the state feels there is not enough evidence to meet their burden, or that a crime has not been committed based on their intuition/preponderance of evidence, then you don't charge someone.
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I hope he never sees the light of day. Whenever I feel sad, I'll think of him rotting away, and it will brighten my day. When he dies, I'll piss on his grave.
Would you feel the same way about Martin had he succeeded in killing Zimmerman?
How do you get any sort of fair trial when everyone has been blowing off about the business for months? No wonder so very many of you are in jail!