Let's break it down.
1. Levies heavy taxes Definitely left. The philosophy of leaving as much as possible in the hands of the people is one of the core planks of the right.
2. Prints money whenever necessary to avoid deficit spending or borrowing Neither, really. But the left does tend to create imaginary wealth through borrowing of non existent funds, which is the practical equivalent of printing money.
3. Subsidizes things like factory construction and maintenance Both in reality, though both also decry the idea of corporate welfare. (a shared hypocrisy)
4. Determines what farms will produce Left.
5. Determines the prices at which farmers may sell what the produce, i.e., prices are automatically set above what the market would otherwise dictate so farmers have a certain amount of guaranteed income Definitely left. They have repeatedly attempted price controls in one form or another.
6. Determines what goods and services businesses and industry can produce, how much they will produce and the price at which the goods and services may be sold Also definitely leftist.
7. Determines, at the behest of business and industry, the wages and salaries for all employees Would be left it it were not for the "at the behest of business". With that clause, neither really supports that type of government authority. Wage fixing itself, however, is definitely a leftist philosophy.
8. Provides health insurance, unemployment insurance, disability insurance and a retirement pension to all workers LOL Gee, I wonder.....
9. Provides low-cost recreational and cultural activities for workers- things like luxury cruise vacations for less than 2 weeks’ pay. Neither.
10. Conscripts labor for public works projects in order to relieve massive, chronic or long-term unemployment. Left.
1. Must be owned by a farm family Left
2. May not be mortgaged or seized by creditors Left
3. May not be sold Left
4. Must be inherited by the farmer’s oldest son or the nearest male relative who then becomes responsible for providing a living for the deceased farmer’s surviving spouse and minor children Neither
Business owners:
1. All corporations worth less than $500,000 must be sold to a larger corporation or close down in order to make the economy more efficient. Neither Left does not like big corporations, right does not like any type of regulation on free market.
2. No new corporation worth less than $2.8 million may be established. Neither
3. No more than 6% of a corporation’s profits may be distributed as dividends. The remaining 94% must be either re-invested in the corporation or be used to purchase government bonds (which the government is not obligated to ever pay back). Left. Though they may lean more towards insisting at least part of anything over 6% go toward wages and benefits.
4. Employers may demand greater output from workers without increasing wages or benefits. Neither.
5. Large business must either form cartels or join already existing cartels pertaining to whatever industry the business is associated with in order to make the economy more efficient. Neither.
6. No business may fire a worker or lay off workers without the government’s permission. Left.
1. All workers must join a labor union sponsored by the government and all other labor unions are illegal. Neither, even though the left is pro union, they haven't leaned that far - at least not yet nor in the foreseeable future.
2. Workers may not strike. Right
3. No worker may leave his employer without the employer’s permission. Neither
4. Each worker must pay anywhere from 15 to 35 per cent of his pay in taxes and charitable donations mandated by the government. Left.
Left - 12
Right - 1
Both - 1
Neither - 10
Thus it can be said that today's left would support 13 out of the listed 24 items of WWII Germany's fascism. The right can be said to support 2 of them, and 10 points would be opposed by both left and right.