Lefties and Gum

So you're a troll?

Pure troll, doesn't post many discussions that aren't. He also does what so many trolls do and bump old discussions. He's a typical and uninteresting troll I've seen the same of maybe 20 + times on these type of political forums. His trolling really sucks though.
I have never really understood the gum chewing thing and adults. I completely understand when I see kids chew with their mouths open, or when they chew gum, but I just don't get how this gets carried onto adult life. I see adults walking in public and chewing gum with their mouths open, and there are enough clues that tell me that these people are obviously a lefties. Why do lefties chew gum as adults?

To prove they can do it and breath (as mouth breathers they have to have it open don't ya know?) or walk at the same time. Otherwise nobody would believe they could... :laugh:
He's pulling out all his lame-ass troll discussions. The funny part is that while he speaks of what he claims lefties do the only disturbing thing is him. Imagine being a grown-ass man rambling this piddly stuff online and the comment sections asking if he's a 14-year-old girl.

Looks like I triggered a gum chomping commie. Do you make that snapping sound while you chomp your gum?
I encounter these lefties who chomp their gum in supermarkets, wal mart, the bank, and in most public places. They do it with the mouth open, and sometimes I can hear snapping and popping.

The street whores and sluts? Didn't know they're interested in politics.
The street whores and sluts? Didn't know they're interested in politics.

I'm surprised that you are claiming that the lefties I encounter in supermarkets, banks, wal mart, and most public places are all street whores and sluts. I realize that whores and sluts are a lefty thing, but I didn't realize how many lefties were these things. Thanks for the info.