Lefties - are you sitting down?

They've got lots of shit planned.

Hell, they can still use electronic voting because we still aren't protected from that.

Caging, electronic voting, police intimindation, electoral "mischief", voter purge rolls, voter id .. on and on.

The problem isn't them. Evil is what they do.

The problem with America is Americans.

Not Bush, Cheney, nor republicans ... they're just the evil we deserve.
It won't pass.

But, California Democrats will have to spend money to defeat it. That may be the point, afterall.

Didn't Arnold try this a few years ago, and it failed then?

But you're right, it's money the dems will have to spend in California, when California otherwise is a lock. I hope the dems are getting smart. They should be coming up with ways to force the R's to spend money in the bible belt.
Didn't Arnold try this a few years ago, and it failed then?

But you're right, it's money the dems will have to spend in California, when California otherwise is a lock. I hope the dems are getting smart. They should be coming up with ways to force the R's to spend money in the bible belt.

This wouldn't be bad if EVERY OTHER STATE did this. But the fact that they are focusing only an a blue state is an obvious disadvantage to dems. I say fight fire with fire. Democrats should bring up the same initiatives in TX, MS, AL, etc.....

If republicans are so interested in making everyones vote count, go all the way and make it a national agenda.
This wouldn't be bad if EVERY OTHER STATE did this. But the fact that they are focusing only an a blue state is an obvious disadvantage to dems. I say fight fire with fire. Democrats should bring up the same initiatives in TX, MS, AL, etc.....

If republicans are so interested in making everyones vote count, go all the way and make it a national agenda.

I agree, if it's national, then it's fine, and might even be a fairer way. It might do more to ensure the winner of the popular vote becomes President even.

Texas would be the state to go after, I forgot about them. They've got to have a lot of electoral votes.
Missed that this was posted the other day.

I agree w/ the above that if they do this, do it everywhere (and that this is actually probably a better way)...
I say just do away with the electoral college and go pure popular vote nationwide. Whomever gets the most votes actually wins.
They've got lots of shit planned.

Hell, they can still use electronic voting because we still aren't protected from that.

Caging, electronic voting, police intimindation, electoral "mischief", voter purge rolls, voter id .. on and on.

The problem isn't them. Evil is what they do.

The problem with America is Americans.

Not Bush, Cheney, nor republicans ... they're just the evil we deserve.
So you think it is a National Karma thing?
America does apparently deserve Bush and Cheny, but it does not diminsh the manipulative evil that the neos did on America.
It's contrived.

It's a plan ... and the Left will never be able to effectively counter it fights back.

Evil has balls.

We could. But our current left leaning leaders don't seem to have the guts to take the right. I'd totally support iniatives to break up electoral ballots in the south and other strong republican strongholds.
This is what the post about Europe knowing things we dont know.

They read articles all the time about or election system that our own media refuses to print.

How many of you know there is a court case in Ohio about it right now?

Our so called Liberal media refuses to report about it, if they did NO republican couls win any office , they wouldnt make dog catcher.
Note that it hasn't been published yet, it's the august 13th edition 6 days to early.

Is Donny trying to be the board historian? He is always worried about an article being a week old, now he is complaining that this one is one week too new? Your attempts at skewering the lefties, are falling flat, it is best you leave that to the top-tier posters, the toppest of all being, yours truly RJS? Just be happy with your title as board historian and try to keep quiet, or we will have to unplug your hearing aid?

As for this leftie cry-baby stuff, Ahnold, the main man, even above yours truly, is going to skewer you lefties, and not with the wet noodle Donny is packing?

Another cyber-skewering, sorry, butt, it had to be done once I saw this news article?
Is Donny trying to be the board historian? He is always worried about an article being a week old, now he is complaining that this one is one week too new? Your attempts at skewering the lefties, are falling flat, it is best you leave that to the top-tier posters, the toppest of all being, yours truly RJS? Just be happy with your title as board historian and try to keep quiet, or we will have to unplug your hearing aid?

As for this leftie cry-baby stuff, Ahnold, the main man, even above yours truly, is going to skewer you lefties, and not with the wet noodle Donny is packing?

Another cyber-skewering, sorry, butt, it had to be done once I saw this news article?

America does apparently deserve Bush and Cheny, but it does not diminsh the manipulative evil that the neos did on America.

I agree with you, but nor does it diminish the cowardice the American people have shown that allowed the evil to fester and grow.

It's time to take a look in the mirror.

Stop blaming them unless Americans are ready to do something about it. It's like being mad because the drug dealer sold you bad drugs. You knew he was a drug dealer.

Simply electing more democrats is like putting a band-aid on a cancer patient.

We've earned Bush and Cheney like a merit badge.
We could. But our current left leaning leaders don't seem to have the guts to take the right. I'd totally support iniatives to break up electoral ballots in the south and other strong republican strongholds.

I'm sorry but that should have read .. the Left will never be able to effectively counter it UNTIL it fights back

You're right, we could.